Bikram Choudhury
Bikram Choudhury

When in Rome, I must do as the Romans do. When in America, make Bikram copyright and trademark.

Boots Riley
Boots Riley

No one has a copyright on working-class struggles.

Chris Roberson
Chris Roberson

If we're talking about someone creating something new, those rights are fairly well defined (in the United States, at least) under existing copyright law. But then there's often discussion about the rights of people who produce works under work-for-hire arrangements, which can be far more subtle and nuanced.

Cindy Hyde-Smith
Cindy Hyde-Smith

Music copyright and licensing laws haven't kept up with technology or the times. The Music Modernization Act fixes that with a comprehensive set of reforms that will help musicians receive royalties they are owed while ensuring the public has access to that music.

Dan Farmer
Dan Farmer

Napster was predicating its business model on violation of copyright.

David Boies
David Boies

Napster's only alleged liability is for contributory or vicarious infringement. So when Napster's users engage in noncommercial sharing of music, is that activity copyright infringement? No.

David Bowie
David Bowie

The absolute transformation of everything that we ever thought about music will take place within 10 years, and nothing is going to be able to stop it. I see absolutely no point in pretending that it's not going to happen. I'm fully confident that copyright, for instance, will no longer exist in 10 years.

David Shields
David Shields

I believe in copyright, within limited precincts. But I also believe in fair use, public domain, and especially transformation.

Douglas Carter Beane
Douglas Carter Beane

If I'm seeing you, you're going to influence me. I'm sorry - I'm just that way. I'm a big sponge. You can't copyright an aesthetic.

Eddy Grant
Eddy Grant

I am outraged that the Gorillaz have infringed the copyright of my song 'Time Warp,' claiming their song 'Stylo' to be an original composition.