Bert Campaneris
Bert Campaneris

Yes, I was in that game where George Brett hit that home run. Billy saw there was too much pine tar on the bat and he went to the umpire, the next thing we knew they were fighting about it.

Bill Klem
Bill Klem

An angry player can't argue with the back of an umpire who is walking away.

Bill Klem
Bill Klem

Your job is to umpire for the ball and not the player.

Bill Klem
Bill Klem

The best umpired game is the game in which the fans cannot recall the umpires who worked it.

Bill Klem
Bill Klem

The most cowardly thing in the world is blaming mistakes upon the umpires. Too many managers strut around on the field trying to manage the umpires instead of their teams.

Bill Klem
Bill Klem

I told the umpires to walk back at least thirty-five feet from home plate. That reduced the arguements.

Bill Vaughan
Bill Vaughan

Now that women are jockeys, baseball umpires, atomic scientists, and business executives, maybe someday they can master parallel parking.

Billy Evans
Billy Evans

The public wouldn't like the perfect umpire in every game. It would kill off baseball's greatest alibi - 'We was robbed.'

Billy Evans
Billy Evans

Some fans have a mistaken opinion of the average umpire. He is human, all reports to the contrary. Every fellow who is successful is conscientious to almost a fault.

Bobby Cox
Bobby Cox

Most umpires are good about letting the argument go, but you can only go on for so long, or go so far. If you don't leave it alone after a minute or two, you're in trouble. They want to keep the game moving, so they've got to throw you out. I had trouble leaving it alone, I guess.