Bobby Riggs
Bobby Riggs

Women play about twenty-five percent as good as men, so they should get about twenty-five percent of the money men get.

Chris Pavone
Chris Pavone

I always wanted to write. But honestly I'm glad I didn't do it back when I was twenty-five or so, when it's now clear to me that I was a very poor writer and could've ruined my career before it even started.

Christopher Walken
Christopher Walken

I think that if I had grown up and had been in show business and the movies twenty five, thirty years earlier, I think I would have made a lot more musical movies.

Chuck Tanner
Chuck Tanner

I don't think a manager should be judged by whether he wins the pennant, but by whether he gets the most out of the twenty-five men he's been given.

Conan O'Brien
Conan O'Brien

One's dream is constantly evolving, rising and falling, changing course. This happens in every job, but because I have worked in comedy for twenty-five years, I can probably speak best about my own profession.

Devendra Banhart
Devendra Banhart

The first paid show was in Los Angeles at an art opening and I was paid maybe, I don't know, twenty five bucks?

Dwight Schultz
Dwight Schultz

It's a very typical UFO sighting. Carter said it changed color and, in the physical report, described it as being about the size of the moon. And he saw it with about twenty-five other people.

Earl Weaver
Earl Weaver

What else does a manager do but push buttons? He doesn't hit, he doesn't run, he doesn't throw, and he doesn't catch the ball. A manager has twenty-five players, or twenty-five buttons, and he selects which one he'll use, or push, that day. The manager who presses the right buttons most often is the one who wins the most games.

Edward VIII
Edward VIII

You all know the reasons which have impelled me to renounce the throne. But I want you to understand that in making up my mind I did not forget the country or the empire, which, as Prince of Wales and lately as King, I have for twenty-five years tried to serve.

Elizabeth Berg
Elizabeth Berg

I got married at twenty-five and had children right away, so I didn't have the worry that I would never get to have children.