Ann Nocenti
Ann Nocenti

Katana is a trained, disciplined martial artist. She removes herself from Birds of Prey to go on a personal journey in Japantown, San Francisco, and pursue a quest for vengeance against the Sword Clan, the men that killed her husband.

Ann Nocenti
Ann Nocenti

When you choose the sword over a gun, just like Green Arrow chooses an arrow over a gun and Catwoman chooses a whip over a gun, you have to be highly skilled and highly trained. I can grab Green Arrow's bow, but I'm not strong enough to shoot it. I can grab Catwoman's whip, but have you ever tried to whip a whip? It's not easy.

Arundhati Bhattacharya
Arundhati Bhattacharya

You have to go to war with a sword and a shield. You cannot go to war with bare hands.

Ashton Kutcher
Ashton Kutcher

Everybody likes to hold up a really big righteous sword when people make mistakes. Well guess what, now it's recorded and everyone has access to it... so let's stop judging people.

Bassem Youssef
Bassem Youssef

The joke is mightier than the sword.

Caroline Knapp
Caroline Knapp

My recipe for bliss on a Friday night consists of a 'New York Times' crossword puzzle and a new episode of 'Homicide;' Saturdays and Sundays are oriented around walks in the woods with the dog, human companion in tow some of the time but not always.

Carrie Vaughn
Carrie Vaughn

Robin McKinley's 'The Blue Sword' was a defining book of my teen years, and I'd love to have more books like that in the world.

Cary Fukunaga
Cary Fukunaga

The anticipation-speculation that comes with a weekly schedule is a double-edged sword. Because people have more time to talk about things, some crazy ideas get a lot of attention.

Charisma Carpenter
Charisma Carpenter

Social media is a double-edged sword. I've gotten in trouble for announcing, too soon, something that the network or the studio wanted to do, and it steals some of the thunder, so to speak.

Charles Krauthammer
Charles Krauthammer

Never leave a crossword unfinished.