Henry Kissinger
Henry Kissinger

The superpowers often behave like two heavily armed blind men feeling their way around a room, each believing himself in mortal peril from the other, whom he assumes to have perfect vision.

Hilary Mason
Hilary Mason

Technology is giving companies superpowers to compete more intelligently and capture the data behind changing trends, expanding markets, and new opportunities.

Imelda Marcos
Imelda Marcos

My dreams were always small and puny. All I ever needed was a little house with a little picket fence by the sea. Little did I know that I would live in Malacanang Palace for 20 years and visit all the major palaces of mankind. And then also meet ordinary citizens and the leaders of superpowers.

Janeane Garofalo
Janeane Garofalo

The world would be better off with multiple superpowers. When Communist USSR was a superpower, the world was better off.

Janelle Monae
Janelle Monae

I believe it's time that women truly owned their superpowers and used their beauty and strength to change the world around them.

Jason Reynolds
Jason Reynolds

Having a superpower has nothing to do with the ability to fly or jump, or superhuman strength. The truest superpowers are the ones we all possess: willpower, integrity, and most importantly, courage.

Joe Kaeser
Joe Kaeser

We never said the U.K. is in bad shape if it leaves the E.U.: we said the E.U. would miss a massive opportunity. Without the U.K., the E.U. may never be able to stand up against superpowers like China and the U.S.

Joshua Wong
Joshua Wong

People may recognize me as some sort of superhero, but it's different. Spider-Man and all these other superheroes, they get superpowers and do what they want to save the city. If we need to save Hong Kong, we can't rely on superpowers, we can just rely on the people.

Larisa Oleynik
Larisa Oleynik

I'm a normal person and I don't have superpowers! I do normal things, too.

Lena Waithe
Lena Waithe

The things that make us different, those are our superpowers.