John Ortberg
John Ortberg

Sloth is the failure to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done - like the kamikaze pilot who flew seventeen missions.


I'd love sloth. I wish sloth would come home and visit me once in a while. I don't consider laziness a sin at all.

Larry David
Larry David

My background is degradation and sloth, mostly.

Mason Cooley
Mason Cooley

Sloth, not ill-will, makes me unjust.

Mirai Nagasu
Mirai Nagasu

Pre-competition rituals include nap time, because when competition rolls around, I'm a sloth. I also FaceTime my dogs.

Rajiv Gandhi
Rajiv Gandhi

Civilizations are built by the ceaseless toil of a succession of generations. With softness and sloth, civilizations succumb. Let us beware of decadence.

Reid Hoffman
Reid Hoffman

Social networks do best when they tap into one of the seven deadly sins. Facebook is ego. Zynga is sloth. LinkedIn is greed.

Sarah MacLean
Sarah MacLean

As winter approaches - bringing cold weather and family drama - we crave page-turners, books made for long nights and tryptophan-induced sloth.

Simon Mainwaring
Simon Mainwaring

Often motivated by a desire to maintain the existing status quo, sloth almost cost the U.S. its auto industry, as it refused for decades to build fuel-efficient cars to compete with Japanese, Korean and European imports.

Toussaint Louverture
Toussaint Louverture

Avoid sloth, the mother of all vices!