Adam Cohen
Adam Cohen

To be rejected on account of old age may or may not feel the same as being rejected on the basis of race or sex. But it is clearly unjust and dehumanizing, and the law should take it more seriously than it does.


I say you must not win an unjust case by oaths.

Aly Khan
Aly Khan

Fortunately, historians are now beginning to recognise the historic role of Islam as a liberating force for peoples oppressed by the burdens of unjust social systems.

Anton Chekhov
Anton Chekhov

No matter how corrupt and unjust a convict may be, he loves fairness more than anything else. If the people placed over him are unfair, from year to year he lapses into an embittered state characterized by an extreme lack of faith.

Antonin Scalia
Antonin Scalia

Burning the flag is a form of expression. Speech doesn't just mean written words or oral words. It could be semaphore. And burning a flag is a symbol that expresses an idea - I hate the government, the government is unjust, whatever.

Barry Commoner
Barry Commoner

The wave of new productive enterprises would provide opportunities to remedy the unjust distribution of environmental hazards among economic classes and racial and ethnic communities.

Cesare Beccaria
Cesare Beccaria

By 'justice', I understand nothing more than that bond which is necessary to keep the interest of individuals united, without which men would return to their original state of barbarity. All punishments which exceed the necessity of preserving this bond are, in their nature, unjust.

Charles Koch
Charles Koch

Any of the social changes in American history are because people thought there was injustice. We have to show that this corporate welfare and cronyism is unjust - and that it's not only rigging the system so people get wealthy who don't deserve to get wealthy.

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

None are more unjust in their judgments of others than those who have a high opinion of themselves.

Chelsea Clinton
Chelsea Clinton

I'd ask myself, 'What do I think is really unjust?' That should be a starting point for how you engage with the world.