Annette Bening
Annette Bening

I think what's interesting about the whole paparazzi thing is that unless you're Brad Pitt or Madonna, you can pretty much avoid it. You know when you're going to an opening that you will be photographed, so that's fine. And you know the restaurants that have paparazzi, so you don't go to them.

Ansel Elgort
Ansel Elgort

You know what I'm realizing? I always love a place if I like the movie I'm doing there. I've heard people say, 'I hate Pittsburgh,' and I'm like, 'I love Pittsburgh so much!' I loved what I was doing there, and I loved Austin for the same reason.

Antoine Fuqua
Antoine Fuqua

I grew up an athlete, growing up in Pittsburgh. I played basketball. I played football. I played a little bit of baseball in my earlier years.

Antoine Fuqua
Antoine Fuqua

When I was younger, growing up in Pittsburgh, they had a 'Golden Gloves' program through the Boys and Girls Club. In Pittsburgh, New York, Philly, Washington, those areas, I would go and spar at competitions.

Antonio Brown
Antonio Brown

I think things will work out for the greater good for not only me but the city of Pittsburgh. I'm extremely grateful to get out in the community of Pittsburgh and not only play the game but affect other people and kids in that regard, and I'm excited about the whole process of that.

Ariel Sharon
Ariel Sharon

That is all that we want, what people want, what people want in New York, in Washington, in Pittsburgh, in any other place in the United States or in Europe. People want to live peacefully. That's what we want.

August Wilson
August Wilson

With my good friend Rob Penny, I founded the Black Horizons Theater in Pittsburgh with the idea of using the theater to politicize the community or, as we said in those days, to raise the consciousness of the people.

Cathleen Schine
Cathleen Schine

Michael Chabon has long moved easily between the playful, heartfelt realism of novels like 'The Mysteries of Pittsburgh' and 'Wonder Boys' and his playful, heartfelt, more fantastical novels like 'The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay' and 'The Yiddish Policemen's Union.'

Celeste Ng
Celeste Ng

I moved to Shaker Heights from Pittsburgh, PA, just before I turned 10.

Charles Duhigg
Charles Duhigg

The Safe Drinking Water Act was passed in 1974 after tests discovered carcinogens, lead and dangerous bacteria flowing from faucets in New Orleans, Pittsburgh and Boston and elsewhere.