Abraham Zapruder
Abraham Zapruder

Then I heard another shot which hit him right in the head, over here, and his head practically opened up and a lot of blood and many more things came out.

Ace Young
Ace Young

'American Idol' opened up all the doors to where I am now.


I want to open a restaurant.

Adam Cole
Adam Cole

Matt Hardy came into ROH with open arms. Matt came into ROH ready to learn.

Adam Cole
Adam Cole

I think the rating system is a way to open more discussion with wrestling fans about matches. To me, it's just another outlet to voice their opinions, so that's why I think they are so passionate about it.

Adam Conover
Adam Conover

I get messages from 21-year old white dudes who have just gotten out of an expensive college and say 'Hey can I pick your brain?' and I have nothing to say to them because A. They already have all the advantages and B. My advice would be the same as anyone else: Go do open mics.

Adam Davidson
Adam Davidson

The world I want to live in is a world where everybody is a bit more uncertain about their arguments and is a bit more open to other people's arguments. I think that we can engage ideas without ad hominem attacks.

Adam Driver
Adam Driver

Working on 'Girls' opened up a lot of opportunity for me. It's like a dream job. It's a dream.

Adam F. Goldberg
Adam F. Goldberg

My favorite thing to do as a kid was pretend I was in the opening credits of a sitcom. As the theme song would play, I'd look up at the imaginary camera and smile as my name would flash on the screen.

Adam Goldberg
Adam Goldberg

I'm not sure if being known opened or closed doors for me.