Abby Martin
Abby Martin

Art became my therapy. It's an amazing outlet.

Adam Beach
Adam Beach

Acting has made me embrace my childhood. It's become some weird form of therapy. It's like I have a place where I can release all of these emotions. When I was playing Ira Hayes, I didn't have to think about the death of my parents directly. It's just there. I can blend it into Ira's character. I can use Ira's emotions as an outlet.

Adam Cohen
Adam Cohen

Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets have a great deal of information about all of us - and the government wants to be able to see it.

Adam Cole
Adam Cole

I think the rating system is a way to open more discussion with wrestling fans about matches. To me, it's just another outlet to voice their opinions, so that's why I think they are so passionate about it.

Adam Green
Adam Green

I was lucky enough to have an older brother who shared the splatter flicks with me, and I had parents who were cool and involved enough in my life to allow me to see them. I think my folks appreciated that I looked at these movies as a creative outlet... almost like magic shows, if you will.

Adam Kluger
Adam Kluger

'Brand-Dropping' is the term that the Kluger Agency coined to describe discreetly advertising by product mentioning in song, and we feel we can make this the way of the future without jeopardizing any artist's creative outlet or typical style.

Adam Page
Adam Page

I want to have fun and I want to bring something new and fresh to fan's eyes and have it be something they enjoy, no matter where it is, no matter what capacity. To have an outlet for creativity. That's been my goal.

Adrian Grenier
Adrian Grenier

Because when you go out, and you have fun, basically you're performing for these tabloid outlets and the paparazzi. And when you perform and create this story, they're chuffed - they get excited, they capture it, and they put it out.

Agnes Smedley
Agnes Smedley

But I see no reason why a woman should not grow and develop in all those outlets which are suited to her nature, it matters not at all what they may be.

Aja Brown
Aja Brown

Children in urban communities suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome in higher proportions than veterans, and they need therapeutic outlets, which arts and drama has proven to provide.