Alexander Smith
Alexander Smith

In life there is nothing more unexpected and surprising than the arrivals and departures of pleasure. If we find it in one place today, it is vain to seek it there tomorrow. You can not lay a trap for it.

Alexis Herman
Alexis Herman

Well, I tell young people to be successful today that, first of all, that what you learn today directly impacts what you earn tomorrow. This is a knowledge-based economy.

Ali ibn Abi Talib
Ali ibn Abi Talib

Do for this life as if you live forever, do for the afterlife as if you die tomorrow.

Alice Coltrane
Alice Coltrane

Once, John and I were coming form a concert that he had played, and it was late in the morning. We heard a couple leaving, and the lady said, oh, I have to hurry home. I'm going to church tomorrow. And her friends said, church? You've already been to church.

Alison Sweeney
Alison Sweeney

I'll have wine or a piece of cake once in a while, but I don't look at it as sliding backwards, even if I go a whole week without working out. I don't dwell on it and beat myself up - I just try to have a healthier day tomorrow.

Alison Sweeney
Alison Sweeney

I'm so busy and there's so much going on, that the gym or a workout can't be a last minute thought, like, 'I have nothing to do today I'm going to go to the gym.' Now it's, 'When am I going to find time to work out tomorrow?'

Allen Johnson
Allen Johnson

I am as hungry now as I was when I began in the sport. If anything, I am probably a bit hungrier. It is because I know there are fewer tomorrows than yesterdays.

Ally Brooke
Ally Brooke

I'm working with the March of Dimes to help make sure more babies have the chance of tomorrow.

Amber Heard
Amber Heard

My very best friend died in a car accident when I was 16 years old. That was the hardest blow emotionally that I have ever had to endure. Suddenly, you realize tomorrow might not come. Now I live by the motto, 'Today is what I have.'

Amit Trivedi
Amit Trivedi

Whosoever has money has power. It's not about a label. If you have money tomorrow, you will be powerful.