A. A. Gill
A. A. Gill

I'm too vain to go on TV. I'd be a monster of self-consciousness. Plus, I've got a ridiculous voice - I sound like a camp friend of Bertie Wooster's.

A. A. Milne
A. A. Milne

I gave up writing children's books. I wanted to escape from them as I had once wanted to escape from 'Punch': as I have always wanted to escape. In vain.

Abbey Clancy
Abbey Clancy

I'm not vain - I just love make-up and dressing up.

Abu Bakr
Abu Bakr

Do not follow vain desires; for verily he who prospers is preserved from lust, greed and anger.

Adam Clayton
Adam Clayton

Unless man is committed to the belief that all mankind are his brothers, then he labors in vain and hypocritically in the vineyards of equality.

Adoniram Judson
Adoniram Judson

We cannot sit still and see the dear Burmans, flesh and blood like ourselves and, like ourselves, possessed of immortal souls that will shine forever in heaven or burn forever in hell - we cannot see them go down to perdition without doing our very utmost to save them. And thanks be to God, our labors are not in vain.


And though all streams flow from a single course to cleanse the blood from polluted hand, they hasten on their course in vain.


When virtue and modesty enlighten her charms, the lustre of a beautiful woman is brighter than the stars of heaven, and the influence of her power it is in vain to resist.

Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston

I will always wear what I want and have some fun doing it. I'm not afraid to take risks with my appearance. I'm not so vain.

Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene

Most politicians are vain. Many of them are stupid.