Aaron Klug
Aaron Klug

One cannot plan for the unexpected.

Abhimanyu Singh
Abhimanyu Singh

In Bollywood, it is common for shoots to have unexpected delays and go well into the night, but shoot schedules in the South are mostly wrapped up by evening, unless absolutely required.

Adam Curtis
Adam Curtis

Henrietta Lacks' cells are immortal. They are known as the HeLa cell line, and they have become deeply involved in all sorts of medical and genetic research - sometimes in the most unexpected ways.

Adam Grant
Adam Grant

Procrastination gives you time to consider divergent ideas, to think in nonlinear ways, to make unexpected leaps.

Adam Grant
Adam Grant

When you procrastinate, you're more likely to let your mind wander. That gives you a better chance of stumbling onto the unusual and spotting unexpected patterns.

Adam Grant
Adam Grant

Being a magician taught me how powerful the element of surprise can be. In each book, I've tried to work that in - an unexpected twist in a story that reveals an insight, a counter intuitive study that turns your beliefs upside-down.

Adriano Zumbo
Adriano Zumbo

You can always imagine the unexpected and strive for it. You may never get there, but it's always a good thing to have.

Alan Stern
Alan Stern

The big lesson of planetary science is when you do a first reconnaissance of a new kind of object, you should expect the unexpected.

Alden Ehrenreich
Alden Ehrenreich

I feel like some of the best roles that I've gotten to play I could've never preconceived. These things happen to you in an unexpected fashion, so it's hard to pre-imagine what that would be because some of the best opportunities I've had I could've never anticipated or expected.

Alex Berenson
Alex Berenson

Equity is the cushion that protects financial institutions from unexpected changes in the value of their assets. The greater the leverage, the smaller the losses required to wipe out a company's equity, leaving it without enough money to repay the people who hold its debt.