Baruj Benacerraf
Baruj Benacerraf

As biologists, we contemplate with admiration and awe the wondrous array of sophisticated cell interactions and recognitions evolved in the T cell immune system, which must be a model for other similarly complex biological systems of highly differentiated organisms.

BJ the Chicago Kid
BJ the Chicago Kid

My mom and my dad was the best example of unconditional love I could see as a kid. I've known it my whole life. Interactions, kissing, hugging - it definitely wasn't the fake love.

Bob Nelson
Bob Nelson

An employee's motivation is a direct result of the sum of interactions with his or her manager.

Brendon Burchard
Brendon Burchard

What makes us really, truly successful over the long term has a ton to do with our social interactions and the influence we do or don't have with other people.

Brian L. Roberts
Brian L. Roberts

What unfortunately happens is we have about... 350 million interactions with consumers a year, between phone calls and truck calls. It may be over 400 million, and that doesn't count any online interactions, which I think is over a billion. You get one-tenth of one-percent bad experience, that's a lot of people - unacceptable.

Bruce Pittman
Bruce Pittman

You see this swirl of ideas and interaction of different players. Those interactions are helping to increase the pace of commercial space activity. We are bringing the pace of Silicon Valley to the space program.

Cal Ripken, Jr.
Cal Ripken, Jr.

You can keep going on and on about the interactions of people, which makes it a great drama and great event, and you'll always hold that special, but if you're looking at a baseball moment, the feeling you get when you win the World Series by far exceeds anything else in the game that you're able to do.

Carl Hart
Carl Hart

My research has taught me many important lessons, but perhaps none more important than this: drug effects, like semesters, are predictable; police interactions with black people are not.

Caroline Polachek
Caroline Polachek

Well, I'm just a really sentimental person, and I just get leveled by things so easily, like from films, to personal interactions, to memories, to music.

Caroline Polachek
Caroline Polachek

I really admire people's interactions with technology that aren't tech-centric but use it as a tool.