Alan Ball
Alan Ball

I certainly believe that what we perceive as humans is just the tip of the iceberg. I don't necessarily believe in vampires or werewolves or that kind of thing, but I believe there is definitely a realm we don't necessarily have access to.

Alex Guarnaschelli
Alex Guarnaschelli

If you're making a salad of any kind, cut the herbs, stems and all, and toss them into your mixed greens salad, a Romaine salad, iceberg, Bibb - it just adds a special touch.

Alex Steffen
Alex Steffen

By fundamentally changing how we design the places and systems that enable our daily lives, we can slash emissions way beyond the immediate carbon savings - because our own personal emissions are just the tip of a vast iceberg of energy and resources consumed far from our view.

Alicia Garza
Alicia Garza

Police violence is the tip of the iceberg when it relates to the conditions overall of black people across the globe.

Amitava Kumar
Amitava Kumar

Hemingway's short story 'Hills Like White Elephants' is a classic of its kind. It illustrates Hemingway's 'iceberg theory,' which requires that a story find its effectiveness by hiding more than it reveals.

Bob Woodward
Bob Woodward

The source known as Deep Throat provided a kind of road map through the scandal. His one consistent message was that the Watergate burglary was just the tip of the iceberg.

Brian Kernighan
Brian Kernighan

Computers and computing are all around us. Some computing is highly visible, like your laptop. But this is only part of a computing iceberg. A lot more lies hidden below the surface. We don't see and usually don't think about the computers inside appliances, cars, airplanes, cameras, smartphones, GPS navigators and games.

Chuck Fleischmann
Chuck Fleischmann

I think we ought to take Al Gore, put him on an iceberg, and put him way out there.

Dean Devlin
Dean Devlin

The Titanic hit the iceberg not because they could not see it coming but because they could not change direction.

Donald Johanson
Donald Johanson

Journalists often ask me when I go to the field, 'What do you expect to find?' And my answer always is, 'The unexpected,' because we're just looking at the tip of the iceberg; we've just scratched the surface.