Arthur Miller
Arthur Miller

Let you look sometimes for the goodness in me, and judge me not.

Ashley Montagu
Ashley Montagu

One goes through school, college, medical school and one's internship learning little or nothing about goodness but a good deal about success.

Carrie Underwood
Carrie Underwood

I'm fighting a losing battle here: I'm trying to lose some weight. I love chocolate; that's one of my biggest downfalls. I haven't gotten a whole lot of chocolate, thank goodness, because I'd probably be about 300 pounds.

Cary Kennedy
Cary Kennedy

Every day, I am blessed by the goodness in our country and the kindness and the generosity of the American people. We share a deep love for this place and a gratitude for the contributions we each make.

Cass Sunstein
Cass Sunstein

By their innocence and goodness, by their boundless capacity for forgiveness, and by the sheer power of their faith and hope, children redeem their parents, bringing out their best selves.

Catherine of Siena
Catherine of Siena

The soul, who is lifted by a very great and yearning desire for the honor of God and the salvation of souls, begins by exercising herself, for a certain space of time, in the ordinary virtues, remaining in the cell of self-knowledge, in order to know better the goodness of God towards her.

Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez

Real education should consist of drawing the goodness and the best out of our own students. What better books can there be than the book of humanity?

Cesare Beccaria
Cesare Beccaria

It is the task of theologians to establish the limits of justice and injustice regarding the intrinsic goodness or wickedness of an act; it is the task of the observer of public life to establish the relationships of political justice and injustice, that is, of what is useful or harmful to society.

Cesare Lombroso
Cesare Lombroso

Unfortunately, goodness and honor are rather the exception than the rule among exceptional men, not to speak of geniuses.


The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions.