David Cohen
David Cohen

I've just always been interested in moving past the keyboard and mouse.

David Cohen
David Cohen

Techstars has done a great job accelerating and providing venture capital to the most promising companies to make the biggest long-term economic impact.

David Cohen
David Cohen

I think just calling up a VC and saying 'I want to pitch you' is an enormous waste of time.

David Cohen
David Cohen

Aspiring entrepreneurs are often advised to work at a startup for a couple of years first, to understand what's involved. But often, each company's approach to success is very narrow. So my advice is, 'Just do it.'

David Cohen
David Cohen

I'm most proud of helping so many others achieve their dreams as founders.

David Cohen
David Cohen

Clearly, there is a gender imbalance when it comes to venture capital and entrepreneurship.

David Cohen
David Cohen

Consumers have zero time for products that are not simple, intuitive, and attractive to use. This is especially true with Internet products, where clean and useful design is a prerequisite to keeping anyone on your site for more than 30 seconds.

David Cohen
David Cohen

To have a diverse set of perspectives and backgrounds enables you to understand the market at large much more effectively.

David Cohen
David Cohen

You may have a small network, but growing that network has become easier with the use of social tools. LinkedIn, Conspire, even Facebook and Twitter allow you to grab branches that may have previously seemed out of reach.

David Cohen
David Cohen

If you're pitching to investors for the first time and expecting them to be so blown away by how thoroughly amazing your pitch is that they write a check on the spot - well, prepare to be disappointed.

David Cohen
David Cohen

We're pretty broad as investors. Our thesis is work with great entrepreneurs that believe they can change the world.

David Cohen
David Cohen

In Boulder entrepreneurship circles, there is a genuine desire to see others succeed and a general belief that karma matters. There's a sense that together we're building something here, and that we're all a meaningful part of it.

David Cohen
David Cohen

If I'm an entrepreneur and I have an idea, and I don't have the development talent around me but I need to find a developer, I would do my selection just like I would with hiring an employee.

David Cohen
David Cohen

I think entrepreneurs really appreciate directness and honesty, coupled with empathy.

David Cohen
David Cohen

People are starting companies at young ages. They fail fast, learn a lot, and keep going.

David Cohen
David Cohen

Entrepreneurship transparency, I think, is important because there are so many problems that you just have to be real about them. There are so many ways for a startup to die, so the transparency attitude is key.

David Cohen
David Cohen

Techstars is truly global; you'll see us continue to expand all our programs worldwide, including accelerators, our venture capital, as well as the UP Global programs including Startup Weekend, Startup Next, Startup Digest, etc.

David Cohen
David Cohen

What Techstars is fundamentally a global ecosystem in which entrepreneurs are enabled and empowered to bring new technologies to the market.

David Cohen
David Cohen

Deciding whether or not to bring in an outside CEO is one of the most gut-wrenching decisions that a founder will ever need to make.

David Cohen
David Cohen

Meetings with no goal, also known as 'coffee shop' meetings, can be huge time wasters if you're not efficient with them. 'Always know why you're meeting, and make sure it's important - try to keep them to 30 minutes, max.