Adam Conover
Adam Conover

We've had erratic, weird presidents before. America's still here.

Alex Higgins
Alex Higgins

I never had any doubts about my ability. The problem was getting into so many scrapes because of my erratic temperament.

Alice Foote MacDougall
Alice Foote MacDougall

Success is an absurd, erratic thing. She arrives when one least expects her and after she has come may depart again almost because of a whim.

Bill Foster
Bill Foster

The decline of particle physics in the U.S. is really a symptom of the erratic and sometimes anti-scientific attitudes in Washington and the incompetence of Congress in managing science.

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

The astronomer will believe that the most erratic comet will yet accomplish its journey and revisit our sphere; but we give up those for lost who have not wandered one-half the distance from the centre of light and life.

Chris Murphy
Chris Murphy

The list of erratic actions from Mohammed bin Salman is long: the jailing of royal family members, the detention of the Lebanese prime minister, a nonsensical feud with Qatar, the growing internal repression of political speech, and the disastrous war in Yemen.

Colin Hay
Colin Hay

I had a very strange career. I mean I went from playing to 150,000 people in 1983/84. Three or four years later I was playing to four people, you know, in Melbourne. I thought - bit strange, you know bit odd, bit erratic.

Colin Hay
Colin Hay

I had a very erratic career. I got very famous for a minute and then it just all went away, you know?

David Brock
David Brock

Trump's opinions on the Iraq War have been as erratic as his opinions on other foreign policy matters - such as his careless position to think more countries should acquire nuclear weapons.

Diana Penty
Diana Penty

We deal with erratic travel and shooting schedules and it can be tough. It requires a little effort but if you want to be in a relationship you will find a way.