Andrew Ng
Andrew Ng

Baidu and Google are great companies, but there are a lot of things you can do outside them. Just as electricity and the Internet transformed the world, I think the rise of modern A.I. technology will create a lot of opportunities both for new startups and for incumbent companies to transform.

Andrew Ng
Andrew Ng

I think that AI will lead to a low cost and better quality life for millions of people. Like electricity, it's a possibility to build a wonderful society. Also, right now, I don't see a clear path for AI to surpass human-level intelligence.

Andrew R. Wheeler
Andrew R. Wheeler

A reliable electric grid is absolutely necessary to provide drinking water. You have to have the electricity.

Angela Bassett
Angela Bassett

The first time I acted was in high school in Florida, and when I heard that applause I felt so alive and felt that electricity go up my spine.

Angela Ahrendts
Angela Ahrendts

Think of energy almost like emotional electricity. It has a powerful way of uniting ordinary people, their connected spirit, to do extraordinary things.

Ann Makosinski
Ann Makosinski

I know a lot of people around the world have these problems where there's just no light, no electricity, nothing.

Anton Chekhov
Anton Chekhov

Reason and justice tell me there's more love for humanity in electricity and steam than in chastity and vegetarianism.

Arancha Gonzalez
Arancha Gonzalez

Responsive governments committed to improving the broader trade facilitation and business environment can help companies of all sizes by improving infrastructure: roads, transportation, ports, information and communication technology, and electricity.

Charles Duhigg
Charles Duhigg

Charles Wyly was born Oct 13, 1933, in Lake Providence, La., and for a period lived with his family in a shack without electricity or plumbing.

Charles Platt
Charles Platt

If low-temperature fusion does exist and can be perfected, power generation could be decentralized. Each home could heat itself and produce its own electricity, probably using a form of water as fuel. Even automobiles might be cold-fusion powered.