Alex Shoumatoff
Alex Shoumatoff

Elephants are not human, of course. They are something much more ancient and primordial, living on a different plane of existence. Long before we arrived on the scene, they worked out a way of being in the world that has not fundamentally changed and is sustainable, and not predatory or destructive.

Alexander Skarsgard
Alexander Skarsgard

I have to be careful because there is something destructive within me, I think, and I can have a tendency to just search for the kicks. I can't really get too close to someone who's too destructive, or too dark, because then I might go down the rabbit hole myself.

Alexis Carrel
Alexis Carrel

Like hatred, jealousy is forbidden by the laws of life because it is essentially destructive.

Alfre Woodard
Alfre Woodard

And I communed with many different faiths and even when I wanted to be rebellious I never did not believe in Him. I never believed the people who said God was destructive or punishing.

Allan Savory
Allan Savory

Agriculture is the most destructive industry that we have. More than coal mining and other extractive industries.

Amanda Harlech
Amanda Harlech

I think the most destructive thing is fear: when people don't want to say what they think.

Amy Morin
Amy Morin

Establishing healthy habits - like eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of sleep, and participating in regular exercise - can also go a long way to improving how you feel. Similarly, getting rid of destructive mental habits, like engaging in self-pity or ruminating on the past, can also do wonders for your emotional well-being.

Andrew Motion
Andrew Motion

In a fragile environment, we need to be aware of ourselves as members of a uniquely powerful species living among other species who are quite as interesting as we are but vulnerable to us because we are cleverer in more destructive ways.

Andrew Tobias
Andrew Tobias

But successful investors tend to be not too self-destructive. They tend to be patient, they tend not to follow the crowd, and they tend not to be too guilty about winning.

Andrew Weil
Andrew Weil

The world is beset by many problems, but in my opinion, this hijacking of our brain's reward centers by electronic media is potentially one of the most destructive.