Allen West
Allen West

While there are towns and cities still planning Memorial Day parades, many have not held a parade in decades. Some think the day is for honoring anyone who has died, not just those fallen in service to our country.

Amanda Warren
Amanda Warren

As a Manhattan resident, I'm gutted by what certain landlords are doing, pushing folks who have lived in their apartments for decades out of their homes, as a greedy tactic to get more rent from newer tenants. It's one of the most disgusting, inhumane things I've ever witnessed in my beautiful city.

Ana Navarro
Ana Navarro

I work in politics and media, two industries that have been particularly affected by the issue of misconduct. We have seen famous and powerful men finally pay a price for behavior they got away with for decades. Many have lost their positions and status - rightly so.

Ander Crenshaw
Ander Crenshaw

The bottom line, addressing defense spending cuts with a meat ax like sequestration will damage defense readiness for decades to come.

Andra Day
Andra Day

My style was established in the Forties and Fifties, then got dragged through the decades and picked up a couple more things on the way.

Andre Geim
Andre Geim

The consequences of a lack of new knowledge is decades of stagnation: the next generation will be poorer than this one.

Andrea Jeremiah
Andrea Jeremiah

I personally think the male and female roles have changed dramatically in the past few decades. Men are no longer the breadwinners. Financial independence for a woman is a huge thing.

Andreas Antonopoulos
Andreas Antonopoulos

What happens when an industry transitions from using one or more 'smart' and centralized networks to using a common, decentralized, open, and dumb network? A tsunami of innovation that was pent up for decades is suddenly released.

Chesa Boudin
Chesa Boudin

Years now, decades, of visiting my parents behind bars taught me hard lessons about how broken the criminal justice system is - about how devoid of compassion it is. It's not healing the harm that victims experience. It's not rehabilitating people. And in many ways, it's making us less safe.

Chris Claremont
Chris Claremont

Maisie Williams was my first choice to play Wolfsbane when I heard about the 'New Mutants' movie - but in comic books, I can keep the New Mutants adolescent for decades and have as much fun writing them at the end as I did in the beginning.