Anna Soubry
Anna Soubry

We are lucky to have a free press. But in some parts of it, you have to search hard to find items concerning any negative aspects to Brexit.

Anton Seidl
Anton Seidl

Conducting! A subject, truly, concerning which much might be written, yet scarcely anything of real importance is to be found in books.

Arthur Levitt
Arthur Levitt

Promoting the interaction of orders remains one of the most difficult, but crucially important, challenges we face concerning our national market system.

Baruj Benacerraf
Baruj Benacerraf

Some of the most significant advances in molecular biology have relied upon the methodology of genetics. The same statement may be made concerning our understanding of immunological phenomena.

Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Boutros Boutros-Ghali

There is a greater fatigue concerning the African problem today than five or 10 years ago. The situation now in Africa is worse today than it was 10 years ago.

C. V. Raman
C. V. Raman

I have always thought it a great privilege to have as my colleague in the Palit Chair of Chemistry such a distinguished pioneer in scientific research and education in Bengal as Sir Prafulla Ray. It has been invariably my experience that I could count on his cooperation and sympathy in every matter concerning my scientific work.

Carl Levin
Carl Levin

Dr. Rice's record on Iraq gives me great concern. In her public statements she clearly overstated and exaggerated the intelligence concerning Iraq before the war in order to support the President's decision to initiate military action against Iraq.

Charles A. Beard
Charles A. Beard

The Industrial Revolution has two phases: one material, the other social; one concerning the making of things, the other concerning the making of men.

Charles Inglis
Charles Inglis

LET us honour the King by cherishing respectful Sentiments concerning him; speaking of him with Affection, with Esteem and Reverence; and by promoting a like Spirit and Conduct in others.

Clara Zetkin
Clara Zetkin

Bourgeois society is not fundamentally opposed to the bourgeois women's movement, which is proven by the fact that in various states reforms of private and public laws concerning women have been initiated.