William Mougayar
William Mougayar

An aftermath of real failures can make the whole blockchain ecosystem more resilient because it will result in revealing the boundaries and realities of what's possible, useful, absurd, impossible, repeatable, and scalable out of everything that appears plausible and innovative at the beginning.

William Mougayar
William Mougayar

Ideally, it is important to communicate exactly when large amounts of tokens become unlocked and therefore available in public exchanges. It is a good practice to continuously update these exchanges with the right amount of tokens in circulation.

William Mougayar
William Mougayar

With the influx of available cryptocapital that has become widely accessible, it's going to be interesting to watch what happens next, because companies now have the luxury of raising enough money to build simultaneously a product, a company, and an ecosystem.

William Mougayar
William Mougayar

If you haven't used Bitcoin first-hand, you may not get the inherent advantage of a quicker appreciation and understanding of its potential. Seeing assets move swiftly without intermediaries is an eye opening experience, and that is just a starting point.

William Mougayar
William Mougayar

Government leaders should get up to speed on the blockchain by understanding it first and committing to exploring its potential.

William Mougayar
William Mougayar

The blockchain applications market is unravelling along a segmentation of activity that is spread along two sets of variables: private vs. public blockchains, and new vs. existing business models.

William Mougayar
William Mougayar

Few incumbents will succeed in deploying blockchain applications to enable new business models. The innovator's dilemma will prevail. Even if they aspire to, they must first get their feet wet within their business boundaries.

William Mougayar
William Mougayar

The blockchain start-ups that have done ICOs are just at the beginning of something. Ask me how they are doing in a year or two years from now. I know for a fact it won't be any different from the statistics of all start-ups: 80% of them will not make it.

William Mougayar
William Mougayar

Cryptocurrencies are not evil and are not for money launderers and scammers. They are for entrepreneurs, technologists, change-the-world dreamers, and anyone who believes they can (and will) enable new business models, new types of organizations, and new ways to service consumers and businesses alike.

William Mougayar
William Mougayar

In the blockchain world, each user can and should own their data, and 'central' players are less vulnerable to data losses and breaches.

William Mougayar
William Mougayar

A token is not a short term carrot, nor a stick for that matter. Just having a token doesn't mean that you have a working business model attached with it.

William Mougayar
William Mougayar

The token itself is not your new business model. What the token enables for you and for your users is the key part to focus on.

William Mougayar
William Mougayar

A blockchain-based startup could have a product/service as part of what they are developing, but their stride is best hit when they are also creating a self-sustaining circular economy that is supported by their own currency or tokens and where there is a transactional loop between earning and spending these tokens within their ecosystem.