Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

I actually don't think about Tinder.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

I just hope that more women realize that if your gut tells you you're doing a good job, you're doing a good job.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

Life is a lot more fun with good, positive people around you.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

There is no better way to create a confident and meaningful connection with someone than to be self-assured and true to yourself. Remember, you want someone to truly appreciate you for you, not for your best side. There is only one you. Be proud of that and own it.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

Bullies will attack your confidence, but you cannot let them kill your ambition.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

One of the biggest things I tell women is not to lose themselves in a relationship. If you're willing to alter yourself to find somebody, it'll never work.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

Honestly, I'd rather hug than shake hands. I don't know where those hands have been!

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

We are becoming so fickle and self involved. Always looking for the next best thing - especially when it comes to people. We spend hours buried in our phones trying to keep up with the social lives of people we may not even know. Envy and the fear of missing out have taken over. Yet we are all still longing for human connection.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

How does a queen bee behave? However she wants to. But please don't wait for someone to hold the door open for you when your own arms work perfectly fine - do it yourself.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

I was always extremely creative. I was very artistic and never strong with numbers or science. I wanted to be an artist or a fashion designer. I wanted to be something that allowed for a lot of imagination.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

There's nothing wrong with taking yourself out of the dating pool. You don't need to be in a relationship because that's what society expects of you or because your grandmother thinks you need to be married by a certain date. Those days are over. Instead, take a step back and say, 'I'm OK alone.'

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

As we all know, sexism in the workplace is a serious issue. It's something that needs active disruption and change.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

I can guarantee that back in the day, if a woman was left alone and she needed to eat, she would have to hunt. It's not biological imperative that says men have to ask us out; it's social conditioning. And we can change it.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

Being solicited on LinkedIn is a real thing that happens.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

If you truly want to find a meaningful relationship, you've got to find yourself first and learn to be confident in your own skin. Don't sacrifice anything about who you are to be with someone. That's setting yourself up for failure.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

It's an epidemic. Instead of socialising and having proper conversations, we're staring at pictures of models in bikinis and wondering how they look like that. It's like self-loathing.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

If we want to create change, we all have to be feminists - men, women, everyone needs to acknowledge that. Sometimes I have more in common with the man than I do the woman in the room.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

Being able to put your blinders on, ignore negative opinions, and follow your strong intuition is what's validating to me. It's a great feeling to know you can trust your gut.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

We have all been there: we see that gorgeous person across the room, and we want to go and speak to them so badly. However, the 'rules' of society mean we usually don't end up doing it, despite our friends' best efforts to convince us to. Time for a change. Be empowered and say hi! It's proven that people really like it when you take initiative.

Whitney Wolfe Herd
Whitney Wolfe Herd

I truly believe that what we're seeing with online dating is very similar to what happened with the Myspace-Facebook era, where Myspace was once this place for online connecting for a very select group of young people. And then Facebook kind of hit at this moment where it was acceptable for everybody to do it.