Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

Something that comes along with age causes you to simmer a bit.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

Ray Mercer has the heart of a lion and a great chin.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

People watch me... whatever I do, wherever I go.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

I saw a chance to make the 1988 Olympic boxing team and forgot all about football.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

When I lost to Ray Mercer, I was young. I deserved to lose that fight because I hadn't learned how to cover all the angles in preparation. I was immature.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

I'm going to bring the championship home to Kansas City.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

You don't knock Ray Mercer out with one or two shots. You have to make him quit.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

HIV's never been proven to cause AIDS. HIV ain't ever killed anybody.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

To all my young fans out there, I ask that you no longer consider me a role model. See me as an individual who had the opportunity to be a role model but blew it. Blew it with irresponsible, irrational, immature decisions.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

The rush you get from competing in front of the whole world, there's nothing like it.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

I'll trust an attorney before I'll trust a doctor.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

I will lay down and die before I take any drugs.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

Everybody's looking at me expecting me to shrink up and die.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

I've got the most complex - my life isn't boring. It never has been.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

I just want to fight the world. Fight the system. Fight everybody.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

I'll tell you this: Tommy Morrison has a tattoo of Elvis Presley on his butt, he likes to hunt and fish, and his favorite movie is 'GoodFellas.'

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

If I was black or Hispanic, I wouldn't get any criticism. Because I'm white, people expect so much more out of me. That's a little unfair, but life isn't fair.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

As a white fighter, you get twice as much criticism.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

I've had a lot of people tell me I'm faster than Tyson.

Tommy Morrison
Tommy Morrison

I never - I mean, I never saw any doctor's report saying I was HIV positive. I never had a doctor explain to me and show me what was going on.