The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

The Cheese Whiz: Did you get me my Cheez Wiz, boy?

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

[the Good Ole Boys arrive late]
Jake: My name is Jacob Stein. I'm from the American Federation of Music. I've been sent to see if you gentlemen are carrying your permits.
Tucker McElroy: Our what?
Jake: Your union cards. May I see your cards please?
Tucker McElroy: Well, suppose we ain't got no union

cards and go in there and start playin' anyway? Whatcha gonna do about that? You gonna stop us, Stein? Ha. You're gonna look pretty funny tryin' to eat corn on the cob with no fuckin' teeth!

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

Tucker McElroy: [to Bob after they accidently drive into a lake] Don't you say a fucking word!

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

Elwood: Hey you sleaze, my bed!

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

Sister Mary Stigmata: [after chasing Jake and Elwood out of her office with a ruler for using foul language] You are such a disappointing pair. I prayed so hard for you. It saddens and hurts me that the two young men whom I raised to believe in the Ten Commandments have returned to me as two thieves, with filthy mouths and bad attitudes.
[pauses and points at them]

Sister Mary Stigmata: Get out, and don't come back until you've redeemed yourselves.

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

Father: [trying to get Mr. Fabulous attention] Sir? Sir... sir... SIR!... SIR!

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

[while they are driving around in the shopping mall with 2 police cars on their tail]
Elwood: Baby clothes...
Jake: This place has got everything.

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

[repeated line]
Trooper La Fong: They broke my watch!

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

Curtis: Do you guys know 'Minnie the Moocher'?
Murph: I once knew a hooker named Minnie Mazola!

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

[the brothers race around the mall parking lot]
Elwood: We'll be all right if we can just get back on the expressway.
Jake: This don't look like no expressway to me!
Elwood: Don't yell at me.
Jake: Well whadda you want me to do, Motorhead?
Elwood: Try not to be so negative all

the time. Why don't you offer a little... constructive criticism?
Jake: You got us into to this parking lot, pal. Now you get us out!
Elwood: You want outta this parking lot?... O.K.

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

Mr. Fabulous: No, sir, Mayor Daley no longer dines here. He's dead, sir.

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

Jake: [falls down after getting smacked by Sister Mary Stigmata] Fuck this noise, man!

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

Jake: Maury, you gotta come through for us. We need $5,000 fast.
Maury Sline: $5,000? Who do you think you are, The Beatles?

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

Burton Mercer: This, gentlemen, is the elegant abode of one Elwood Blues.
Officer Mount: Thanks for your help, Mr. Mercer.
Burton Mercer: You know, I kind of like the Wrigley Field bit.
Officer Mount: Yeah, *real* cute.

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

Elwood: Tonight only, the fabulous Blues Brothers. Rhythm and Blues review. The Palace Hotel Ballroom. Route 16. Lake Wazzapamani. The fabulous Blues Brothers show band and review.

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

[last lines]
Cook County Assessor's Office Clerk: Can I help you?
[the brothers back him up and lift him onto the counter]
Jake: This is where they pay the taxes, right?
Cook County Assessor's Office Clerk: Right.
Elwood: This money is for the year's assessment of Saint Helen of the Blessed

Shroud Orphanage in Calumet City, Illinois.
Jake: 5,000 bucks, it's all there pal...

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

Burton Mercer: [to Trooper Daniel] Hi! Wanna hand me the mike?
[Daniel gives him the police radio]
Burton Mercer: Thanks a lot.
[speaking in radio]
Burton Mercer: Hi, this is car um...
[to Officer Mount]
Burton Mercer: What number are we?
Officer Mount: Five-five.

Burton Mercer: [to radio] Car 55. Um... we're in a truck!
[chuckles nervously]

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

[Trying to get Mr. Fabulous back into the band]
Jake: If you say no, Elwood and I will come here for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day of the week.
[Elwood takes a huge, obnoxious bite out of his bread]
Mr. Fabulous: Okay, okay. I'll play. You got me.

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

[Camille has fired a machine gun at Jake and Elwood]
Elwood: Who *is* that girl?

The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers

Officer Mount: I don't believe it. It's that shitbox Dodge again!
Trooper Daniel: Those bastards are ours now!