Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

At the end of the day, you are judged by your character. And look, I'm proud of my record of working to help people throughout my years of public service.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

There's a general understanding amongst, I think, most people in this country that whether or not you have a preexisting condition, it's not your fault, and you shouldn't be discriminated against in healthcare policy.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

Ultimately, what we want to do is see the president follow the laws.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

Who makes decisions for families across America? Should it be a family with their doctor, or should it be some unelected bureaucrat in Washington?

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

Medicaid is one of the most failed forms of health care.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

We are not giving up on repealing and replacing Obamacare.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

It shouldn't just be Russia we're concerned about, because many countries that are not our friends have been hacking into American accounts across the board.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

A lot of individuals have had their personal information compromised, and then we've seen just about every corporation in this country hacked or attempted to be hacked by foreign countries.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

We want to say nobody should lose their health care.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

I opposed the bailout of banks and car companies.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

We shouldn't be bailing out insurance companies under ObamaCare.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

You can't have one, two, three more picks on the Supreme Court go against our Second Amendment rights.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

I think it's encouraging that President Trump is talking about strengthening our national defense, something he ran on again.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

We had eight years of Barack Obama depleting our military, ignoring a lot of the threats around the world.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

Many people who have insurance can't even use it because they have $10,000 or higher deductibles. This is something families are facing all across the nation. They've asked for relief; this was front and center on President Trump's agenda and our agenda in Congress, and we're moving forward on it.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

How about we let the states be innovative on Medicaid and do much better and smarter things?

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

I have families all the time in my district in southeast Louisiana sharing with me stories of double digit premium increases every single year.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

Unelected bureaucrats in Washington should not have anything to do with the healthcare decisions made between a patient and their doctor.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

We ought to make sure that people coming here ought to be vetted and that we secure this federal border.

Steve Scalise
Steve Scalise

I think people all across the country want us to secure the border and make sure that terrorists are not coming into our country.