Let's face facts, this is visual medium, there's a very high premium put on people who are good-looking. But the minute you rely on that you get yourself in trouble. You certainly don't make a career out of that anymore as an actor.
DivX Plus Streaming provides secure streaming delivery of a feature rich premium digital entertainment experience to connected devices including HDTVs, Blu-ray players, smartphones, game consoles, PCs, Max and cable set-top boxes.
In addition to transitioning to the cloud, our customers continue to invest in premium versions of our on-prem server products like Window Server, System Center and SQL Server.
The graduate earnings premium, used by the Tories to justify many of their regressive higher education policies, is fast becoming a myth.
Engel & Volkers real estate advisors are specifically - and continuously - trained to understand and handle the needs of property transactions in the premium segments of their markets. We keep our shops small, with truly talented professionals who are choosing Engel & Volkers because of the extensive connections and support we provide them.
As an academic, a great deal of my time is spent writing, with very little in meetings. In government, the premium is placed on figuring things out through discussing them with other people.
When I first got pregnant, my husband and I were huge consumers of premium cable television, and we were watching all of these shows, and it would either be the B-storyline of a show like 'Homeland,' where she's a working mother, or you have even smaller C-storylines on a show like 'Mad Men.'
There is a premium on innovation and commercializing new ideas.
At 3-D Imax theaters, audiences have shown they are willing to pay a premium to wear headgear fitted with liquid-crystal lenses synchronized via infrared signals with the movie projector, which runs at twice the normal frame rate. These movie viewers plumb new depths in depth perception - they experience extreme realism.