Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

The climate-change industrial complex pontificates that the U.S. has to stop using coal to save the planet. But even if the U.S. cut our own coal production to zero, China and India are building hundreds of coal plants. By suspending American coal production, we are merely transferring jobs out of the U.S.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

The number of jobs created under President Barack Obama's stimulus turned out to be fewer than the number we would have had if the government had done nothing - according to the Obama administration's own analysis. So we got $9 trillion of debt with almost nothing to pay for it.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

The big problem for atomic energy is that it can't compete on price with the new age of cheap shale gas and, to a lesser extent, clean coal.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

Why would you want to shut down a nuclear plant, which requires at most about 1 square mile of land, to replace that power source with windmills, which would require 300 square miles of land to be paved over?

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

Do environmentalists really believe that green progress means looking out at America's majestic mountains, forests, green oceans, wilderness areas and deserts and viewing miles upon miles of nothing but windmills and solar paneling?

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

Using cheap and efficient energy makes every other American industry more productive, and thus makes American employers far more competitive in global markets. Productivity creates higher paying jobs in America; it doesn't destroy them.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

Obama's economic policies widened the gap between the rich and the poor.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

The truth is Mr. Trump could simply sit in the Oval Office for four years like a potted plant, and that would be a vast improvement over the Obama agenda, which was almost in every case - from tax increases to spending stimulus bills to Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, the war on fossil fuels, and so on - bad for growth.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

The rich did well under Obama's policies; it was the working class that got creamed. This was because the economy just wouldn't grow as it usually does.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

If the goal of the Trump tax cut is to make America look more like tax-cutting North Carolina and less like soak-the-rich Connecticut and Illinois, he's certainly on the right track.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

Getting rid of the deductibility of state and local taxes will force the highest corporate tax states to lower their rates, or fewer corporations over time will headquarter there.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

Whenever I'm asked if the Trump tax cut is for the rich, I say yes. It is a tax cut for the rich. It is a tax cut for the middle class. It is a tax cut for small businesses. It is a tax cut for the Fortune 100.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

Under the Trump tax plan, we are no longer going to subsidize big government in blue states. Now those who choose to live in blue states are going to have to join with their neighbors, collect their pitchforks, and demand tax and spending cuts from city hall and the state capital.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

Blue staters tend to send liberal politicians to office, who then vote for bigger federal spending - even though a greater share of the money goes to the red states.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

The entire American concept of the 'family business' is put at risk by the death tax.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

It turns out the businessman knows more about how the economy really works than the chattering class. What a shock.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

If you can, put aside for a moment your opinion of Donald Trump's words and actions and let's be perfectly honest: One year into his presidency, could the economy be any rosier?

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

If I've learned anything as an economic analyst, it is that the stock market and economic winds can shift by the hour.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

Trumponomics is Obamanomics in reverse.

Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore

One of President Reagan's first and wisest initiatives was to effectively shutdown the anti-trust division of the Justice Department.