Stacy London
Stacy London

Seeing, feeling, thinking, believing - these are the stages of how we change our style on the outside and our self-image on the inside.

Stacy London
Stacy London

We all put obstacles in our own path toward personal style, myself included. If we understood why we constructed these practical and emotional obstacles, we might move beyond it to healthier, happier perceptions of ourselves and, ideally, a better sense of self-esteem.

Stacy London
Stacy London

I really do believe that my style is informed by the fact that I had such issues with my appearance at various times of my life.

Stacy London
Stacy London

Fit is everything. I don't care what your body type is like: If you're not wearing clothes that fit you, you can't have style.

Stacy London
Stacy London

Being able to choose the skin I live in was the draw of fashion.

Stacy London
Stacy London

Self-esteem doesn't come simply from dressing well, but they are both something we can control. It's a missed opportunity when women say they don't have the money, figure, etc., because style is such a way to help cultivate the way women feel about themselves.

Stacy London
Stacy London

Style is not a reward for the skinny. It's not, 'iI I'm rich, thin and young.' You may not like your size, but then don't invest in leather leggings. Let yourself want the expensive bag and really love it and show it off and have a ball with it.

Stacy London
Stacy London

Only buy things that make your heart sing. If I don't love it, I won't buy it.

Stacy London
Stacy London

If you only have work clothes - the black trouser and ribbed turtleneck you got four years ago at the Gap - you're not participating in your own style personality.

Stacy London
Stacy London

I'm not as snarky as I used to be.

Stacy London
Stacy London

You don't need money to look fabulous. There are so many awesome new designers, so many designers doing collections for mass retailers.

Stacy London
Stacy London

Finding tricks to create flattering body shape is the key to style.

Stacy London
Stacy London

What is magical and mystifying to me about style is not that by seeing we can believe. It is that eventually, we can believe, because we can see... we can embrace change the more we can make it tangible.

Stacy London
Stacy London

Style is joyful if you allow yourself to have joy.

Stacy London
Stacy London

I think that the way to have style is to accept where your body is right now, heavier or skinnier, whether you're going to change in the future and dress it as it is. The fact is you can always find clothes. It may be harder for plus sized people, I completely understand that. But I don't believe that it's impossible to dress with style.

Stacy London
Stacy London

I think style is very different from fashion. Fashion was what I went after when I was feeling incredibly insecure and monstrous on the inside.

Stacy London
Stacy London

Whether you're as healthy as you should be or not, that doesn't disallow you to look your best. Style is only possible from a place of self-acceptance.

Stacy London
Stacy London

Style is the instrument you can pick back up when you want to regain some of the confidence you've lost.

Stacy London
Stacy London

Style offers concrete rules you can follow. You can use it as a resource rather than a barrier to feeling good about yourself.

Stacy London
Stacy London

I don't argue style on the basis of tastes. If you feel like you've reached your personal best, don't change.