Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

As a music industry, if we remain in competition, then we die. We have to understand that we're all in this together. Collaboration and synergy, it's one of the most important things out there.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

The only real failure is giving up.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

My brother and I made a pact that every deal we do has to have a charitable component; otherwise, we don't do it.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

I want to show that you can be a successful entertainment executive, be a good husband, be a good father, be a good friend, be down to earth, be a good person, and give back. If I can push that message out there into the world and pass it on to my son, then I'm OK.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

I've had an amazing run in my career. It could end tomorrow. I have artists who love me, and I love them, but they could call me tomorrow and say, 'I don't wanna work with you.'

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

The biggest pieces of my business are not public. Maybe I'll tell all the details when I'm 50 or 60.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

When I was 25, I had risked everything to launch Justin Bieber and was a couple months away from losing everything.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

We aren't made to be worshipped as humans. I think that is why we see so many great artists crumble, because as humans, we are made to serve each other.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

At 22 years old, I tattooed 'family' on my wrist to not lose sight of my true goal.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

My circle includes some of the most influential people in the world. They all occasionally suffer from depression. Our DNA is built to serve and interact, not be worshipped.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

I love collaborating with other really smart, incredible people.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

I don't want anyone who is Muslim not to be able to dream that they can be President of the United States, and I don't want any of my friends, regardless of their orientation, thinking they are less of a citizen.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

I have a rule where once a week I have a date night with my wife, and that's the time when I put my phone away and have calls forwarded to my assistant in case of emergency.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

What is now commonplace was once not, and I think that's a testament to what it means to really break the mold and push the limits.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

I'm having fun, and I'm waking up every morning and my staff is waking up every morning looking at each other and saying, 'What can we do today that would be really cool?' I cannot complain about my life.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

If you're not going to do it to the best of your ability, then don't do it at all.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

My grandfather died when I was 14, and he was in Bergen-Belsen and Dachau. So be grateful for your life because nothing is guaranteed. Everything could literally be taken away from you tomorrow.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

I'm a 34-year-old man who calls himself Scooter. That describes the vibe.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

If you can help someone become a good young woman or a good young man, they have a better chance of surviving in this business.

Scooter Braun
Scooter Braun

Justin Bieber was born with the Superman powers. He could sing, he could dance, he could play instruments. I wasn't born with those gifts, so I had to become a different kind of superhero... I'm a normal Joe. But, with a lot of effort, I've got a shot at being Bruce Wayne.