Robert Zemeckis
Robert Zemeckis

'I Wanna Hold Your Hand' and 'Used Cars' were absolute failures at the box office. Complete disasters. I learned some sad news: it's not an automatic thing that, if you make a good movie, everyone wants to see it.

Robert Zemeckis
Robert Zemeckis

In the next couple of years, part of every film's process is going to be to adjust the images. And it'll be to change the color of an actor's tie or change the little smirky thing he's doing with his mouth. Or you can put in more clouds or move the tree a little bit.

Robert Zemeckis
Robert Zemeckis

I'm very concerned that we don't make movies that are original anymore.

Robert Zemeckis
Robert Zemeckis

The thing that makes love stories work, in my opinion, in movies and novels and country & western songs, is the feeling of longing.

Robert Zemeckis
Robert Zemeckis

USC Film School always had a real sense of drama and lineage.

Robert Zemeckis
Robert Zemeckis

We have this sort of tacit censorship, which is the ratings system, and it's directly tied to box office, so it is censorship. Like, if you make an R-rated movie, you know that only a certain amount of people are going to go see it under any circumstance.

Robert Zemeckis
Robert Zemeckis

I have no complaints about 'The Walk.' I made it, and I'm very happy with what happens.

Robert Zemeckis
Robert Zemeckis

I'm really tired of making these huge, over-$100 million movies where they literally mean life and death for a studio. It's really rough making these expensive movies. Everyone is hysterical.

Robert Zemeckis
Robert Zemeckis

I can't see any reason why a dramatic story can't be in 3-D. I think 'Lawrence of Arabia' would have been fabulous in 3-D.

Robert Zemeckis
Robert Zemeckis

I don't know any filmmaker who can deconstruct their own work.

Robert Zemeckis
Robert Zemeckis

I'm in a constant conflict about having to make a movie for the big and the small screen at the same time, stylistically. So I just basically make it for the large screen.

Robert Zemeckis
Robert Zemeckis

Good directing is good writing and good casting.