Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

I don't come from a family of slackers, but I do come from a family of doers.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

I try to compartmentalize as much as possible, and I have the most amazing team in the world. They really set up my time in a way that is completely efficient all the time.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

Girls, to me, growing up were very, very petty and didn't want me to succeed and didn't want the best for me.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

I just fell into the job as a fashion editor at a teen magazine. I was there for two years, and I left there as a senior fashion editor at the age of 25.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

Celebrities are just like us and like any of your friends. I love working with people.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

I think what you wear really does need to reflect what your own personal style is.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

I'm a textbook definition of that perfectionist girl who has huge expectations of herself.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

It's hard for me to take care of myself, let's put it that way. I am my last priority.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

Tom Ford does everything perfect.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

It's a constant challenge trying to find balance between styling, designing and being a mom.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

The worst thing you could ever get is people who think they know everything.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

I think, in spring, we don't want to wear makeup, we don't want to wear a ton of clothes, we just want everything to be easier.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

I think people should look cute all the time.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

If my client calls me and says, 'I'm going to a friend's premiere,' I'll say, 'Come over and let's do something cute.' And I won't bill them for that.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

I have lost my short-term memory - I'm just getting blonder by the day.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

I'm someone that never likes to overpower the girls in hair and makeup.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

You can't get dressed without good hair.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

All those things they say about a baby changing your perspective - it does!

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

I don't deal in pretentious kids' parties.

Rachel Zoe
Rachel Zoe

I do love being on television and in peoples' homes. I'm not an actor, so there is a connection that's real.