Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

Our back garden is allegedly haunted by a ghost called the Grey Lady. When one of my daughters was three, she said she'd been speaking to a lady in the garden and we went running around trying to find this woman. There was no one there.

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

How many times has it happened that you're watching 'I'm A Celeb' and you're thinking 'I'm not sure about this,' then it turns into the best series.

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

People forget the skates are like knives. Those blades are constantly sharpened... that's why they sound the way they sound. They are blades.

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

Mums and dads, if you've bought something that needs putting together, do it before Christmas. When the kids have gone to bed, do a little bit every night. Then on Christmas morning, they can actually play, rather than standing over your shoulder, saying: 'Is it done yet?'

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

I attempted to beat a Michelin-starred master chopper at prepping vegetables and making stuffing. He was doing it by hand, I was using a blender. It was bloody close too, he just beat me.

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

It's a ridiculously expensive time of year and if you buy something that you've guessed at and it's not right, what a waste of money. Far better to ask. And if you do it with three or four weeks to go, by the time it comes to Christmas you've forgotten about it - so it's a lovely surprise.

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

If you follow someone on Twitter, you're interested in what they have to say. When you get bored you follow someone else.

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

She is one of the nicest people I've ever met. No one is more thoughtful than Christine Bleakley.

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

You can tell when you look at someone and think 'he's on the brink of fainting' or that certainly something's not right.

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

I love the fact we do break taboos.

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

When it first started, I loved the fact 'This Morning' was an adult version of Saturday morning television.

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

At 'This Morning,' we are always working hard to reflect what is happening in the world and in our own lives.

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

I'm not a workaholic!

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

My wife Steph never tells me to take on less work - she's just glad to have me out of the house!

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

I do have a rule about how much I will take on - the last thing you want is to be on TV too much and for people to be sick of you.

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

I play along with 'Pointless' and I love 'The Chase.' I'm not bad either - geography, biology and history are my strong points.

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

We're always up for a bit of romance on ice.

Phillip Schofield
Phillip Schofield

I don't want people turning on the telly and going, 'Dear God, not him again.'