Petra Collins
Petra Collins

I know having a social media profile removed is a 21st century privileged problem - but it is the way a lot of us live. These profiles mimic our physical selves and a lot of the time are even more important. They are ways to connect with an audience, to start discussion, and to create change.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

Being taken seriously as a young woman is the biggest hurdle as I grow older.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

Social media has been such a big important thing for young artists and minorities because it's a community to get noticed. It's having an audience that was never there before.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

That's what I look for in models: Someone who can tell a story and has a presence in front of the camera.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

Occasionally, I'll wear glitter or blue eye shadow.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

How girls perceive themselves is interesting, and how they act when they're looking in the mirror.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

Everyone has a mirror face that's so different from their natural face. And I think it's interesting, seeing the way people want to be viewed when they're putting themselves together.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

For me, being in a car listening to music has always been my one spot to think.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

It's just so humanizing to see someone be real.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

A good jean that fits someone's butt right is just amazing. It's just classic.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

I didn't see spaces where female artists could exist and exhibit their work. So I created a platform for this - one that allowed our works to be seen, but to also weave a community of women that could lean on and work with one another.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

The selfie is a powerful tool, but it can also be dangerous, and I am fascinated with the process of it because there is a level of self-monitoring.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

I'm so pro-selfie because I think it's a tool that allows girls to create images of their own and of themselves.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

I want people to see themselves in a person. I never want someone to aspire to be someone else.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

With social media and all the new technology, there's just more interfaces around and reminders to constantly be working on our body.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

When you see stories about women that aren't being told by women, it can make you feel like you don't exist.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

I always had this feeling, what I wanted to do. I was trying to work out myself, my frustrations, my body. I couldn't really pinpoint. I started taking photos of my sister and her friends. I was 15, exploring what it meant to be a 15-year-old girl.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

Just like any other girl, I felt pressure to look a certain way. Act a certain way.

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

I really don't believe in the word 'selling out.'

Petra Collins
Petra Collins

I get why feminism can be intimidating; sometimes it can seem like this exclusive club.