Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

If today were half as good as tomorrow is supposed to be, it would probably be twice as good as yesterday was.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

If you can afford to advertise, you don't need to.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

Rank does not intimidate hardware. Neither does the lack of rank.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

The best way to make a silk purse from a sow's ear is to begin with a silk sow. The same is true of money.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

The weaker the data available upon which to base one's conclusion, the greater the precision which should be quoted in order to give the data authenticity.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

There are many highly successful businesses in the United States. There are also many highly paid executives. The policy is not to intermingle the two.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

There are no lazy veteran lion hunters.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

If today was half as good as tomorrow is supposed to be, it would probably be twice as good as yesterday was.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

All too many consultants, when asked, 'What is 2 and 2?' respond, 'What do you have in mind?'

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

The optimum committee has no members.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

One cannot legislate problems out of existence. It has been tried.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

Decreased business base increases overhead. So does increased business base.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

It is very expensive to achieve high unreliability. It is not uncommon to increase the cost of an item by a factor of ten for each factor of ten degradation accomplished.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

By the time the people asking the questions are ready for the answers, the people doing the work have lost track of the questions.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

Most projects start out slowly - and then sort of taper off.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

Hardware works best when it matters the least.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

One should expect that the expected can be prevented, but the unexpected should have been expected.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

Regulations grow at the same rate as weeds.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

By the time of the United States Tricentennial, there will be more government workers than there are workers.

Norman Ralph Augustine
Norman Ralph Augustine

People working in the private sector should try to save money. There remains the possibility that it may someday be valuable again.