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Emma: I lost him.

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Wallace: Look at my face.

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Emma: Yeah, I stuck it in.

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Adam: Don't call my penis cute. Even if it's dressed up as a Care Bear and it's giving you a care stare.
Emma: Don't dress up your penis. Ever!

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Alvin: Let's smoke some weed!

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Adam: So, did I just pass out on your couch?
Emma: No. Then you did this thing. It was like, a dance?
Adam: Dance?
Emma: Yeah, like.
[impersonates Adam's dance]
Adam: I shook my dick at you?
Emma: Yeah.
Adam: Oh, shit. I'm sorry.

Emma: No, no. It was exciting. It was like, you were cheering while you were doing it. You were like, "look at my dick!"
Adam: Did you look at it?
Emma: Yeah I looked. It was nice. You have a really nice penis.
Adam: Nice?
Emma: Seems kind of like carefree.

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Shira: I just pulled a penis out of a Vitamin Water yesterday, so we are cool with penises here.

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Sam: I'm the guy she marries, Adam. You're the guy she fucked a couple of times in the handicapped bathroom.

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Eli: Ten years from now you're gonna be having sex with your wife. And it's gonna be in the missionary position. And one of you is going to be asleep.

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Lucy: Chuck! If I catch you taking pictures of your dick one more time I'm taking that thing away.

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Alvin: So... Are you having sex?
[hands marijuana to Adam]
Adam: Yes. I'm having sex.
Alvin: 'Cause if you want any pointers, you know... I can help you out. If there's one thing you learn after two failed marriages, it's how to eat kitty. Anyone special?
Adam: No. I mean, not since Vanessa.

Alvin: It's been a year. It's time to move on.
Adam: It's been eight months, Dad.

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Lisa: She is so good at impressions.
Adam: Do an impression, then.
Lisa: Yes, do an impression then.
Joy: All right, guess who this is.
[Joy sucks in her lips]
Joy: Dad!
[she sucks in her lips again]
Joy: Dad!
Lisa: Oh my

God, that's so cute.
Adam: I don't know.
Lisa: Come on.
Joy: Where are you?
Adam: I don't know.
Joy: Where are you, Dad?
[Wallace walks over]
Wallace: It's Nemo.
Lisa: Yes!
Joy: Yeah.

Adam: Nemo.
Lisa: Amazing.
Adam: I don't know why I didn't get that. How did you know that?
Wallace: 'Cause I've seen it a thousand times. That's how.
Lisa: Mmmm. Drew Barrymore.
Joy: I don't know if I'm drunk enough.
Lisa: Come on.

Adam: You can't do Drew Barrymore.
Wallace: Oh, but she can.
Joy: [in sexy valley girl accent] Happy holidays. I was in 'The Wedding Singer'.
[normal voice]
Joy: That's it. That's all I have.
Adam: That was kind of an amazing Drew Barrymore.

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Joy: What's going on?
Adam: This is Joy.
Joy: I'm Joy. Hi.
Emma: Good for you.
Lisa: Adam?
Adam: And this is Lisa.
Emma: You are such an overachiever.
Adam: Thank you.

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Adam: I'm gonna call every girl in my phone until someone agrees to have sex with me.
Wallace: That's strong. Toast to that.
Eli: Toast. That is a terrible, self-destructive plan, and we're behind you a hundred percent.

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Adam: Hey.
Man with Dog: Hey.
Adam: We're sex friends. Just friends who have sex.
Man with Dog: That's not possible.

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Emma: I'll be gone for like, an hour... I'm just getting some... Yogurt.

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Shira: You bringing Adam to the Christmas party tonight?
Emma: No. Things were getting too intense so we decided not to see each other until we hook up with other people.
Shira: Okay. Yes. Good! We are getting laid tonight. This is going to be like Sideways only you're Paul Giamatti and I'm the guy who gets laid.

Emma: I can't get laid?
Shira: No. Tonight is about me, Emma. I'm feeling hot. I'm feeling good. I'm wearing bikini bottoms because my other underwear is dirty. Alright, we're hot. You feel hot?
Emma: [shrugs] No one threw up on me today.
Shira: We're sluts, Emma. We're dirty, dirty sluts!

Emma: Okay.
Shira: Remember, we're sluts!

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Lucy: That was such a fail on my part.

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Patrice: This is a frat party. You just have to be drunk and look hot. Watch and learn.
[gets on table and yells to the whole party]
Patrice: Hey! Hey! I'm so drunk!

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Eli: I'd have sex with a pioneer, for sure.