Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

In a social context, digital technology introduces you to neighbours of the mind - people who are separated by distance, but close to you in thought and interest.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

Peace is not a state - it is a choice, and you have to remake it every day. It's possible to get a sort of stability, a habit of peace, but it's like an egg balanced, spinning, on its point: lose your momentum, and your equilibrium is gone, too.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

The First World War was a horror of gas, industrialised slaughter, fear, and appalling human suffering.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

'Tigerman' was born in the front seat of a Hilux SUV on the road north out of Chiang Mai.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

Sir Terry Pratchett - he was knighted in 2009, and on him it looked earned rather than entitled - wrote about dragons, wizards, turtles, witches, time-travelling monks, and suitcases with legs.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

I read my father's books growing up. I thought then and I still think now that his writing is wonderful. It delights and infuriates me in equal measure that he's still that good.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

There's a saying in the movie industry that if your movie is about what you actually think it's about, you're in big trouble. I think it's the same with books.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

I know that when I talk to my parents and my friends, there's a strong feeling of the world out of control and damaged.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

Digital books are still painfully ugly and weirdly irritating to interact with. They look like copies of paper, but they can't be designed or typeset in the same way as paper, and however splendid the cover images may look on a hi-res screen, they're still images rather than physical things.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

We don't need to chase a nostalgic rendering of Britain as it never was and never can be: we need instead an understanding of who we really are and what a happy, prosperous, just nation might look like.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

The great thing is to have been surrounded by stories all my life.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

My scientific qualifications are relatively scant. I like science. I try really hard to educate myself about it, but in the end, if something has to go 'boom,' and it would probably only go 'fwoosh,' I am relatively unconcerned about that, which is a sin, but not, I think, a grave one.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

I am the world's most appalling martial artist. I am so bad. I've studied jujitsu, kickboxing, t'ai chi. Once, I was sparring with someone, made a mistake, and managed to knock them down. I was so shocked that I dropped to my knees to see if they were all right, and then they knocked me out cold. From the floor.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

Amazon is a corporation, not a philanthropic trust dedicated to the production of works of art and literature.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

Happiness is boundlessly weird. Other people's choices often seem to delight them, where I would run screaming.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

The mainstream of literary culture in the U.K. is very averse to writing about technology.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

The idea that the law should punish what is rude; that government should protect our tender sensibilities from those who would - quite often with shallow motivations but sometimes with deeper and more serious complaints - challenge our national certainties and rituals, should alarm and anger us.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

I think the reason I wrote screenplays for nearly a decade was because it was my territory. I could stake that out.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

I wanted a pseudonym partly because I'm quite shy and private. I know that sounds ludicrous, but if I should be lucky enough to make a hit, I wanted to be able to shrug off the mantel of Nick Harkaway when I got home.

Nick Harkaway
Nick Harkaway

Being a parent is weird. It changes people in subtle and unsubtle ways. In my case, it awoke a kind of manic sentinel in my brain. Anything in the house that might be a threat to the kids or to my wife gets terminated - food, sharp edges, poor wiring.