Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

Among the weeds choking out growth and good government are the hundreds of boards, commissions, and advisory committees that have sprouted over the years. They devour time, money, and energy far beyond any real contribution they make.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

Finally, treat domestic energy production as the economic necessity it is and the job creator it can be. Drill, and frack, and lease, and license, unleash in every way the jobs potential in the enormous energy resources we have been denying ourselves.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

Every citizen who stops smoking, or loses a few pounds, or starts managing his chronic disease with real diligence, is caulking a crack for the benefit of us all.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

The perverse presumption that places the burden of proof on the challenger of spending must be inverted, back to the rule that applies elsewhere in life: 'Prove to me why we should.'

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

So tonight I propose one more step that I would rather not propose. I ask the most fortunate among us, those citizens earning over $100,000 per year, for one year, to pay an additional one percent on the income they receive.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

The state of our state needs serious attention.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

Sure, things could always have been done better, but I just wish people would drop their political hammers for a few weeks, as happened in 2001, and work on the problem at hand.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

We are taking challenges and turning them into opportunities by developing homegrown, local energy production to become independent from foreign sources.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

We believe it wrong ever to take a dollar from a free citizen without a very necessary public purpose, because each such taking diminishes the freedom to spend that dollar as its owner would prefer.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

Our morbidly obese federal government needs not just behavior modification but bariatric surgery.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

Our main task is not to see that people of great wealth add to it, but that those without much money have a greater chance to earn some.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

We are tasked to rebuild not just a damaged economy, and a debt-ridden balance sheet, but to do so by drawing forth the best that is in our fellow citizens. If we would summon the best from Americans, we must assume the best about them. If we don't believe in Americans, who will?

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

We believe that government works for the benefit of private life, and not the other way around.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

When they call the slightest spending reductions 'painful', we will say 'If government spending prevents pain, why are we suffering so much of it?' And 'If you want to experience real pain, just stay on the track we are on.'

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

If we don't believe in Americans, who will? I do believe. I've seen it in the people of our very typical corner of the nation.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

In fact, it works the other way: A government as big and bossy as this one is maintained on the backs of the middle class and those who hope to join it.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

We do not accept that ours will ever be a nation of haves and have-nots. We must always be a nation of haves and soon-to-haves.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

We Hoosiers hold to some quaint notions. Some might say we 'cling' to them, though not out of fear or ignorance. We believe in paying our bills. We have kept our state in the black throughout the recent unpleasantness, while cutting rather than raising taxes, by practicing an old tribal ritual - we spend less money than we take in.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

We say that anytime budgets are balanced and an ample savings account has been set aside, government should just stop collecting taxes. Better to leave that money in the pockets of those who earned it, than to let it burn a hole, as it always does, in the pockets of government.

Mitch Daniels
Mitch Daniels

We designed both our state employee health plans and the one we created for low-income Hoosiers as Health Savings Accounts, and now in the tens of thousands these citizens are proving that they are fully capable of making smart, consumerist choices about their own health care.