Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

When there's so much choice, it can get overwhelming and it's hard to make a choice.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

Posting a brag, humble or otherwise, and then waiting for people to respond is the equivalent of having a conversation in which all you do is wait for your turn to speak.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

As with 'feminism,' not to mention 'liberalism' and 'conservatism,' 'political correctness' tends to mean what you want it to mean, which also pretty much amounts to utter meaninglessness.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

The irony of the media and people in big cities is that they're charged with defining the entire culture, when in reality they don't even live in that culture. They live in such a rarified, tiny world.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

I think people seem to want to read pieces that are shorter but not as short as the pieces they can read in small bites on the Internet. It may be that the sort of long essays are hitting a sweet spot between the tiny morsels online and the full-length book.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

I work really hard not to have a kitsch tone to any of my work, particularly radio stuff, which sometimes goes in that direction on certain programs.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

There's a particular kind of single woman whose relationship with her dog has a level of intensity and affection that may be both the cause and the result of her singleness. For a long time, I was that woman.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

I loved 'About Schmidt'. I like Alexander Payne's work a lot.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

It is important for children to grow up in a world where there are all kinds of adults and role models around them, for them to know it's not just parents and people who are parents that care about them, but that there are people who are living other kinds of lives.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

Let's face it: every campus has its share of students who can't quite comprehend that extreme political correctness is often born of the same intolerance and anti-intellectualism as standard-issue bigotry.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

Because of social media, we have a lot of personal essays floating around; you see them on Facebook: everyone's either reading them or writing them. Some of them are great; some of them are diary entries put forth as essays.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

My goal is to invite readers to think along with me and draw their own conclusions.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

We use our gadgets for distraction and entertainment. We use them to avoid work while giving the impression that we're actually working hard.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

You don't realize how much a dog's presence defines the contours of your home until, in its absence, the walls seem to relocate themselves.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

I always tell writers that it's good to have an area of expertise. It's a really practical answer, I know, but know about science or about sports or about medicine, so you can work as a science writer or a sports writer. Don't just know about yourself.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

As humans with egos and feelings, none of us wants to be pilloried. But as thinkers and writers, it's our job to express opinions forthrightly and without qualifying them out of existence.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

People have always taken photos of themselves, either with camera timers or by handing their Nikons over to strangers in foreign countries and then paying large sums to get them back.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

Much of the magic of language, of course, lies in its fluidity.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

I have bougainvillea and a magnolia tree outside my window. Not that anything will ever beat the view I had from my desk window in my little farmhouse in Nebraska. Just a dirt road stretching out as far as you could see, with prairie grass on either side.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum

The truth is that most of your Facebook friends are too busy counting their own 'likes' to pay attention to you for more than a few seconds anyway. Unless you happen to be a kitten who's in love with a baby goat, in which case you should hire a publicist immediately.