Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

Before I got pregnant, I was doing Pilates a couple times a week, and I actually loved Pilates. I noticed a difference with my core, which is my problem area, so that was nice. For me, I don't do a lot of cardio. I lift more weights.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

I just want to raise a confident girl. I just want her to know that she doesn't need to be sending naked pictures and doing all that stuff - I'm definitely going to monitor everything. I want to raise her to know that she can go do whatever she wants in life and to be comfortable in her own skin, which I think also just comes with age and time.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

When you finally have kids, you realize how selfish you are. I think we are naturally selfish beings. When you have kids, that can kind of be a shock at first. I think just trying to make time for yourself is very hard. Especially now that I have 3, finding that time can be very difficult.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

I'm very open to dating and finding a guy.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

I own a lot of shoes; I am not sure how many.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

My personal style can be everything from girly and flirty to edgy and chic.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

I like to wear what I feel good in, not what the latest trend is.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

I don't shop online. I'm always scared to put my credit card on the Internet!

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

I think a lot of girls look up to me because I'm a strong woman.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

I say what's on my mind. I go after what I want.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

Headlines are so great in a sense that they can take a little bit from an article completely out of context and blow it into something it's not. Some people really only read headlines.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

It's very difficult to change the perception people have of you.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

If you're looking for a boyfriend, you aren't gonna find one. They seem to come into your life when you least expect it.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

Sometimes guys are so concerned with being cool and hanging out with their friends. They don't want to seem like the guy that 'has to call his girlfriend.' It's just boys growing up.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

It's an unwritten rule - girl friends' boyfriends are off limits, even after they break up.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

If a guy won't commit, he's a player.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

I'm completely done with reality TV.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

I don't typically drink coffee.

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

I hate watching myself on screen! I absolutely hate it, it's so hard to watch. I can see myself in magazines, but watching on TV or movies is like, 'Ugh.'

Kristin Cavallari
Kristin Cavallari

I mean, I can tell within the first two minutes if I'm into someone or not. I can always tell if I get butterflies.