Kris Carr
Kris Carr

The gaunt, unhealthy vegan is the muffin vegan. Bread and fries and processed veggie dogs. It's like, 'Hello? Did you eat your vegetables?'

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

When our purpose is external, we may never find it. If we tie our purpose or meaning to our vocation, goal or an activity, we're more than likely setting ourselves up for suffering down the line.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

If it is made in a lab then it takes a lab to digest.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

Sleep is the best time to repair, but it's hard to get a good night's rest when we don't dial the inner chatter down.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

Above all, cancer is a spiritual practice that teaches me about faith and resilience.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

We're so conditioned to believe that milk does a body good and that we need enormous amounts of protein or we'll wither away. Look around, we're not withering - we're fat.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

Your self-worth has nothing to do with your craft or calling, and everything to do with how you treat yourself.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

If I let a blue mood run rampant, before I know it I'm obsessing about the color of the satin lining in my coffin - will it match my dress? That's when I feel like Alice in Cancerland falling down the rabbit hole and just have to stop.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

I was asleep at the wheel before cancer shook me awake.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

When you're the conscious captain in your kitchen, you'll feel better mentally and physically.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

Make space in your life, space for health and happiness.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

If it has a shelf life longer than you, don't eat it.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

If you really want to turn your health around, start juicing today.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

Cancer is very chaotic.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

I tell people, 'I have a Ph.D. from Google University.'

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

Yes, I have cancer and it might not go away, but I can still have a future because life goes on.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

Eventually cancer becomes just another annoying thing that you deal with, you know, like cellulite.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

People ask me if I live each day like it's my last, and I don't. I live each day like it's my first, and I can't wait for the next one.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

There's nothing sexy about cancer.

Kris Carr
Kris Carr

While I may never be in remission from cancer, I am currently in remission from an unhealthy relationship to food.