Ken Ham
Ken Ham

While the Bible's account of the flood is one of judgment, it is also one of mercy and salvation.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

Based on the Bible, I believe that all the land animals were made on day six, and Adam and Eve were made on day six, and people try to make fun of us for believing that dinosaurs lived with people, but there are a lot of animals living today that evolution says lived with dinosaurs.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

There is no such thing as 'separation of church and state.' Reporters continue to promote this fallacy and scare Christians out of standing up for their beliefs.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

What you believe about who you are, where you came from, affects your whole worldview.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

The Bible makes it clear that Adam's sin affected the whole universe. This means that any aliens would also be affected by Adam's sin, but because they are not Adam's descendants, they can't have salvation.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

If you look only as Genesis as an allegory, you have a major problem, because if it's an allegory, then tell me who our ancestor was? If Abraham was real, then from Abraham if Adam isn't real, if it's just an allegory, it's just a story, then what's the real Adam who really fell in a garden and really sinned? Where did we come from?

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

Pope Francis is not the first religious leader who has endorsed evolution and the Big Bang, but he is certainly one of the most influential.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

No apparent, perceived, or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the Scriptural record.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

While the Bible's account of the flood is one of judgment, it is also one of mercy and salvation. Likewise, our future full-size evangelistic Noah's Ark will honor the Bible as God's word and not treat it as a pagan fable.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

While the Ark Encounter will be able to accommodate 16,000 guests per day, our consultant's research has shown that we could possibly expect more than that during the first few weeks of opening, especially during the summer time frame.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

The doctrine of marriage depends on Genesis being true. If there's an absolute authority, and if God's the Creator, He made one man and one woman. Jesus came and said that marriage is between a man and woman. If Genesis is not true, we're just animals, and marriage is just whatever you want to make it to be.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

Christians are increasingly being punished for the free exercise of their faith and for standing on God's Word and holding to biblical convictions about sin. This is especially apparent with the gay lobby.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

What is sad to me is not what Bill Nye thinks about me. What I found really unfortunate is that after presenting my stand on God's Word, there were a number of Christians who were more complimentary of Bill Nye than of me because Bill Nye was defending evolution and billions of years.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

For students, the evolution-creation discussion can be a useful exercise, for it can help develop their critical thinking skills.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

If God used evolution, God came from an ape.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

I was brought up in a Christian home in Australia with a father who was very bold about his faith.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

'Noah' is an insult to Bible-believing Christians, an insult to the character of Noah and, most of all, an insult to the God of the Bible. As a result, I believe Hollywood will have a much harder time in marketing future biblically-themed movies to Christians.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

No one will ever convince me that the word of God is not true.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

Most students are presented only with the evolutionary belief system in their schools, and they are censored from hearing challenges to it. Let our young people understand science correctly and hear both sides of the origins issue and then evaluate them.

Ken Ham
Ken Ham

Sadly, when pastors choose to neglect controversial issues, they do great damage to the spiritual growth of their congregates. We have generations of young people in our churches who simply believe what the world believes on social and moral issues, and they don't think biblically on these matters.