Kate Smith
Kate Smith

My singing is part of me, like my stoutness, or my light hair, or my poor eyesight.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

Middle-aged women have greater stability, they are more loyal, and their capacity for steady work is greater than that of younger women.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

It's up to the audience. It always has been.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

It is important that the audience should understand every syllable of every word, for only then can they grasp the meaning of the song.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

Intelligent analysis of the composer's intention and strict adherence to it automatically ensures sincerity.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

In 29 years, I had recorded over 2,200 songs. I was amazed.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

If rock-and-roll is well done, there's nothing so terribly wrong with that kind of music. But the lyrics are another story.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

I was always daydreaming about singing in big productions on Broadway.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

I sometimes get that wonderful sympathy between me and the audience, telling me I've reached their hearts. And when I do, the thrill is mine.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

I shall always respect the composer. If I embellish, it is his idea I am embellishing.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

I must work hard to make my singing above reproach; there must be no faults which hard work would take care of.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

I learn my songs by ear.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

I have personally believed in every product I have ever advertised.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

I have never known stage-fright at any time.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

I have always examined closely the motives of any group for which I am asked to raise money.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

I could not separate myself off stage from myself on stage, as so many actors can.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

I am continually embarrassed by people who point me out as an example of what can be done without training.

Kate Smith
Kate Smith

Every small town has its dramatic group, its barber-shop quartet, every home has music in one form or another.