John Redwood
John Redwood

You have to be very rich to afford Labour, with 66 tax rises since they came in power.

John Redwood
John Redwood

The E.U. referendum is a major watershed in U.K. history. It will be important for the future of the Conservative party. It will be even more important for the future of our country.

John Redwood
John Redwood

The whole point of politics is to stay in touch, to be relevant to modern problems, to offer people relief from current worries, to give them hope based on contemporary experience.

John Redwood
John Redwood

What is good enough for Scotland is good enough for England. Fairness demands no less.

John Redwood
John Redwood

When teachers try to teach, nurses try to nurse, small businesses try to serve their clients and the police try to arrest criminals, there is always a regulator or three breathing down their necks. Conservatives want to make people's lives easier.

John Redwood
John Redwood

I want to end austerity.

John Redwood
John Redwood

The best way to get more tax from the rich is to cut rates. The best way to deliver more jobs for the less well off is to cut tax.

John Redwood
John Redwood

The library is seen as a force for self improvement and the pursuit of knowledge. I fear that in many cases this is no longer true, if it ever was.

John Redwood
John Redwood

I was the original moderniser in the Conservative Party, telling it, 'No change, no chance.'

John Redwood
John Redwood

Living standards in both the public and private sector have to be brought down. The private sector has to sell more abroad and consume less at home. The government sector has to get closer to just spending what it can collect in taxes.

John Redwood
John Redwood

Voters want prosperity, not austerity.

John Redwood
John Redwood

When the telecoms system in the U.K. was made to compete and to seek private capital, many worried that the service would get worse and there would be a further shortage of investment. They were wrong on both counts. Technology was transformed, and investment soared. Prices went down; choice and usage went up.

John Redwood
John Redwood

Under Conservative, Labour, and coalition governments, the U.K. was never willing to accept all the moves to union or all the requirements of the E.U.

John Redwood
John Redwood

We need to remind our core supporters that we have not forgotten their concern with the way our democracy is being replaced by European bureaucracy in so many areas.

John Redwood
John Redwood

As we leave the E.U., the U.K. can turn its back on the austerity policies that have been the hallmark of the euro area.

John Redwood
John Redwood

At the next General Election, voters face a clear choice: deregulation and less interference in everyday life with the Conservatives, or yet more regulation and interference under Mr Blair.

John Redwood
John Redwood

Designing our own agriculture policy will mean we can put behind us the quotas and regulations that have held back U.K. output during our years in the E.U.

John Redwood
John Redwood

To me, politics is about the future.

John Redwood
John Redwood

Young men do not want to have to take a consent form and a lawyer on a date, just as young women have every right to go on a date and to say 'No', having it respected.

John Redwood
John Redwood

Cuts in tax rates on individual and company income nearly always produce more revenue, not less.