Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

The amount of computation necessary for raytracing, we've known for a long time, is many orders of magnitude more intensive than rasterization.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

The Xbox is how the computer will be built in the next 20 years. More semiconductor capacity will go to the user experience.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

I already have a job and being the CEO of Nvidia is a great privilege. It is once in a life time opportunity.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

Our core market has been historically gamers and digital content creators such as car designers and movie makers.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

We're going to design future cars the way people design airplanes. Except we have to use so much technology and ingenuity to reduce its cost and its form factor. We can't afford to have a jet plane. That would be great if could.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

I will say that Surface has been a big disappointment for us and for Microsoft. Both of our expectations from the product were much greater than what came to be and not only that. We invested enormous amount into research and development and spent a lot of time and energy into it.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

Performance matters because games are built on great performance, but form factor and energy efficiency matter incredibly because they want to build something that's portable and transformable.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

I don't think you can create culture and develop core values during great times. I think it's when the company faces adversity of extraordinary proportions, when there's no reason for the company to survive, when you're looking at incredible odds - that's when culture is developed, character is developed.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

AI as a technology is complex, of course, but the capabilities and benefits of AI aren't hard to understand.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

A smart car is not just about giving you information, but it is also about keeping you safe.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

I enjoy looking at other people's products and learning from them. We take all of our competitors very seriously, as you know. You have to respect Intel. But we have our own tricks up our sleeves.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

I'm the product of my parents' dreams and aspirations.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

I think culture is a big word for corporate character.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

Some people say the network is the computer. We believe the display is the computer. Anywhere there's a pixel, that's where we want to be.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

Well, the world of entertainment and leisure is gigantic. When you combine it with all of the aspects of entertainment and leisure, going to movies or traveling or going to restaurants, staying in a hotel, skiing, it's huge.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

But I think we're going to have people who work from home a couple of days a week, three days a week, four days a week. And I'm perfectly comfortable with all that.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

Well, I don't have any greater insight than anybody else.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

Manufacturing all over the world has the benefit of efficiency. That's great. I support it.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

I believe that the future is about having a whole bunch of A.I., not one A.I. We're all going to have our own personal A.I. We'll have A.I. for many fields of medicine, for many fields of manufacturing.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang

We have a good sense of the pulse of the industry. We know what's going on out there. We know that deep learning adoption is broad. It's going into production at scale.