Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

God gave me a great body and it's my duty to take care of my physical temple.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

You can create the perfect triceps by just pushing yourself off your wall.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

Believe me - I've done very good stuff and very crazy stuff, and I don't regret the crazy stuff.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

You know, I looked at my face in the mirror this morning, and I like being old. My face has more content and when I train in the gym now, I am not training to be strong or handsome - just better than I was yesterday. These days the race is just against myself.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

Life is short. I'm 47 years old. I've got 10 years to go where I can be the best I can be. I want those 10 years to be precious, not like before, cranking two or three movies a year. I've made a ton of movies in my life, but so what?

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

I came to America with a dream and I made it. The dream became reality. America is built for success.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

My body looks like 30 but my face looks like 50. But I cannot walk bare-chested in the streets. I like to do these movies to challenge myself physically.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

I now truly believe it is impossible for me to make a bad movie.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

Because no matter what you say in life, the truth will always be the truth. You know when someone is telling the truth, you look in the eyes. I have a tendency to believe people.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

I've become 40, my audience is partly the same age.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

Karate's a very boring sport, but when you know the technique you can go further and further.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

You have to believe what you say, and if you believe what you are saying, then acting is easy.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

I'm one of the most sensitive human beings on Earth - and I know it.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

I came back to my original wife. I came back to her after I made a few boo-boos in my life. Coming back to her was good for me, good for her and good for the children.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

The action films I will make in the future will be more believable and character-based. I am now on my second cycle of fame, and I want to make films that smell real and are truthful.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

I'm a big traveler these days. I was in Hong Kong. I live there. I was just in Belgium with my parents and now I'm on my way to North America. You will find me all over.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

In an action film you act in the action. If it's a dramatic film you act in the drama.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

I train, for me, very smartly. I don't train heavy, I do a lot of isometrics.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

What is a movie star? It is an illusion. It was everything I ever wanted to be, but it became a kind of shell, non? It was what made me famous and got me women. But it wasn't real.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

There are some movie stars in Hollywood that are so scared, they also tell the reporter that they are recording them, in case there is something wrong with what they wrote about them in the papers.