Jason Silva
Jason Silva

We're the only species that can look into the future and know that we're going to die one day, and it causes all sorts of cognitive stress on your system.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

I always loved watching movies because I loved what certain moments inside of films did to me.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

We're the first technology-creating species. We use technology to extend our reach. We didn't stay in the caves, and we haven't stayed on the planet. To play jazz with our genomes and the universe might ultimately be what we're all about.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

I prefer the word 'journeyman' to 'journalist' because I think that certainly, when you hear a story, you want to hear certain facts. But I also think what makes a story interesting is the points of view expressed therein.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

I think people who have all kinds of debilitating mobility issues will benefit from robotic augmentation. That is, even before we get into organ replacement and organ printing and synthetic biology and so on and so forth.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

I make short films, little documentaries, about the co-evolution of humans and technology.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

iphone therefore I am.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

My approach to creating content is focused on pulling people out of their intellectual comfort zones. I'm interested in presenting ideas in unique ways that challenge people to question their assumptions.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

The scientist and engineers who are building the future need the poets to make sense of it.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

Movies have these transcendent moments where everything is just right, from the dialogue to the music to the lighting to the narrative context; everything is just perfect, and something magical happens - the film breaks through the screen and does something to you.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

There has always been this narrator in me - I loved ideas, and part of the great love affair I would have with ideas consisted of talking about them.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

Ideas are powerful because they allow us to see the world as it could be, rather than what it is.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

As a media artist and filmmaker, I'm constantly considering the role of situational context when creating my work.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

Creativity and insight almost always involve an experience of acute pattern recognition: the eureka moment in which we perceive the interconnection between disparate concepts or ideas to reveal something new.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

We live in a world where, for whatever reason, the conversations that tend to stick are the ones where 'if it bleeds, it leads.' But we've always been afraid of new technologies in spite of the fact that they've helped improve our lives in countless ways.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

If you use it intelligently, Twitter can be a form of engineered serendipity.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

For me, it's always a failure of the imagination. I have that anxiety that time is passing, that everything is ultimately fleeting and impermanent. I better take advantage of every single moment.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

A lot of people go through life thinking that they don't have any control, that life is just happening to them. But that's not true.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

By cultivating rich social networks, by cultivating weak ties, not just close ties but the weak ties, by becoming connectors and by connecting others so that they connect us, we create a world in which these self-amplifying feedback loops feed on top of each other.

Jason Silva
Jason Silva

I was at the University of Miami, and I still had, like, a semester or so left. And through the film school, I found out that Al Gore was launching a new TV network; they were looking for passionate young storytellers to transform television, which was, like, ambiguous but magnificent-sounding.