James Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn

My observation on most people in national governments is that they have very little interest in and very little knowledge of the multinational institutions.

James Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn

I believe and still believe that the Chinese government puts great weight on the experience of the Bank in terms of development.

James Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn

Most people recognize that to create jobs is really the essential element in their drive against poverty.

James Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn

It's probably conventional wisdom now that you bring openness of markets only after the market has developed to a certain level.

James Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn

Rebuilding Afghanistan is not going to be solved by pouring billions in. Getting rid of the Taliban does not rid us of the problems of fundamentalism and instability.

James Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn

I have travelled in the country enough to know that the concerns of villages in Rajasthan will be very different from the issues in the villages of Tamil Nadu. Anybody who makes a general remark about India probably doesn't know India.

James Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn

You need to have a secure Israel, which is very clear, and you need to have a Palestinian community that feels it can have hope.

James Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn

I'm not at all sure that Israel can determine what happens in Palestine, the Palestinian territories.

James Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn

I saw it with my own eyes: Israelis and Palestinians, arm in arm, walking off together and clearly pricing how you could get your truck to the top of the line or get it through at all. It was an absolutely transparently corrupt system at the border - you had to buy your truck's way across. I thought it was a disgrace.

James Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn

My view is to try and not demonize the Palestinians. I'm not denying that there are Palestinians who fire rockets and do terrible things; I know that that happens. But to get a fundamental solution, you have to have hope on both sides.

James Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn

We have made a full frontal attack on corruption. The question is whether we can address the question of governance in developing countries and, particularly, corruption.

James Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn

The interesting thing about debt in most cases is that you have to pay it back. So if you build an overhang of debt, it becomes more and more limiting in terms of the prospect that you have.

James Wolfensohn
James Wolfensohn

It is possible to have a public education system that works.