Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

For me a Writing Day was an occasion for self-reproach and panic, a time to lament the passing of the years, stare out of windows and remember that even those famous late starters Joseph Conrad and George Eliot had started by the age I was now.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

If the great thing about the Internet is that it throws wide the doors of discussion to everyone, the bad thing about the Internet is that it throws wide the doors of discussion to everyone.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

There is much that makes one pause in 'If This is a Man', the record of Levi's 11-month incarceration in Auschwitz, much one cannot read without needing to lay aside the book and inhale the breath of common air.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

I have made of Sydney, to which I sailed in 1965, a paradise beyond the powers of fancy.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

In anticipation of a meal - supposing we are with the ideal companion at the best table in the perfect restaurant - we might indeed postpone sadness. And maybe even halfway through, we will remain in tolerably high spirits, with dessert still to come. But as we near the end of eating, we begin to feel anticipatory twinges of anticlimax.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

The obligation to remember is inscribed on every Holocaust memorial, but even the words 'Never Forget' become irksome eventually.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

Everything is allowable in literature, but what is not allowable in criticism is objection on the grounds of probability.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

Making America great again, as if to keep the world out. The world and all its fresh ideas and everything that's new and exhilarating and the wind of change that should blow through the world - block it out, wall ourselves up. That for me goes with a small vocabulary. A narrow, confining vocabulary.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

It's always nice to be praised, and insofar as a prize is a form of praise, you're glad when you get it.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

Everything is susceptible to corruption of one sort or another - humanity is one big cheat - but it matters particularly with sport, which ceases to be itself the minute the outcome's rigged.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

The Stop The War Coalition is a sort of home to Jew-haters because its hate music about Israel is so catchy.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

Most people to whom a statue has been erected are undeserving.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

When demagogues and dictators ban art, this is the reason: art is the great solvent of obedient fundamentalism.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

The Christian Armenian story was the Polish Jewish story. The efforts of the Armenians to stay alive in Musa Dagh chimed with those struggling to survive the ghetto.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

I was young; I was newly married. My Cambridge degree was still warm in my pocket - a roll of parchment guaranteeing me, I thought, a sort of free ambassadorial passage to any campus of my choosing, and I had chosen Sydney - the world was all before me.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

Imagine the anticlimax of opening a novel you'd just got Dostoyevsky to sign and finding 'Keep smiling - Fyodor.'

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

I won't go so far as to say that novels sell in inverse proportion to their worth, for just occasionally, someone like Dickens or George Eliot comes along to prove the opposite.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

To be clear, I abhor the separation wall. It is an eyesore in itself and makes tangible the failed diplomacy and cruel short-sightedness that causes such misery in the region. No Palestinian can see that wall and not wonder if the Israelis mean it to stay there forever, a constant reminder of what they never intend to change.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

There's a simple arithmetical logic at work. Build more unaffordable and not always architecturally sympathetic apartments, watch the rents rise, the tarts leave, the small shops, production offices and design studios close down, and hey presto, we have another fashionable London suburb indistinguishable from the rest.

Howard Jacobson
Howard Jacobson

There's a problem with narratives. Most that spring to mind are fictional.